
1236 Reviews
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IBRAHIMA NIANG rated on Google

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pascal bariller rated on Google

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Denise Hamici rated on Google

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Alex Mobile rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Wide variety of fresh produce, there is something for everyone, whether Asian (Chinese, Thai, Japanese etc...) or Western (grilled steak, fries, rosti etc...); very responsive and friendly staff. Very large and airy space (you don't step on each other); very well maintained (cleanliness); with dedicated space: children's play area and a smoking room. (Original) Grande variété de produit frais, il y en a pour tout les goûts, que ça soit asiatique (chinois, thaï, japonais etc...) ou Occident (grillade de steak, frite, rosti etc...); un personnel très réactif et aimable. Espace très grand et aéré (on ne se marche pas dessus); très bien entretenu (propreté); avec espace dédié: espace de jeu pour enfants et une salle fumeur.

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Bouziane Hamza rated on Google

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Penda M rated on Google

(Translated by Google) This is the first time I have come to this restaurant and frankly I am not disappointed. The welcome was great, good atmosphere, the wait was not very long for a Saturday evening (I went there around 8:30 p.m.), there is a security guard so it is well organized. The restaurant is quite clean, large, the meat is halal according to the owner, there is no pork, there is a lot of choice, the food is good and changed frequently. For my part, I didn't like the ice cream in a cone. But overall it's good. I recommend it to you! (Original) C’est la première fois que je viens dans ce restaurant et franchement je ne suis pas déçue. L’accueil était top, bonne ambiance, l’attente n’était pas très longue pour un samedi soir (j’y suis allée vers 20h30), il y a un vigile donc c’est bien organisé. Le restaurant est assez propre, grand, la viande halal d’après le patron, il n y a pas de porc, il y a pas mal de choix, la nourriture est bonne et renouvelée fréquemment. Pour ma part je n’ai pas aimée la glace en cône. Mais c’est bon dans l’ensemble. Je vous le conseille !

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Faty Mbaye rated on Google

(Translated by Google) It's the best wok I've been to, there are varied and very good dishes. The servers are kind and respectful. And what's more, it's halal (Original) C'est le meilleur wok que je suis allé, il y'a des plats variés et très bon. Les serveurs sont gentils et respectueux. Et en plus c'est halal

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Fifi Oussaid rated on Google

(Translated by Google) We ate well everything was very good 😋 a little expensive for lunch other all-you-can-eat buffets are a little cheaper (Original) On a bien mangé tout était très bon 😋 un peu cher pour le midi d'autres buffets à volonté sont un peu moins cher

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Thalie Balanger rated on Google

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Kenza Laychouchi rated on Google

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Marc Baussart rated on Google

(Translated by Google) All you can eat buffet, good food, lots of choice. (Original) Buffet à volonté, bonne nourriture, beaucoup de choix.

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Claude Sobezack rated on Google

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Raphael G rated on Google

Excellents plats de très bonne qualité. Seule point noir c’est le niveau sonore assez élevé (dimanche midi). Il y a énormément de choix (Translated by Google) Excellent dishes of very good quality. The only downside is the fairly high noise level (Sunday lunchtime). There is a lot of choice

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Alexcolal Colo rated on Google

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Sylvia Grenet rated on Google

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B. S. rated on Google

Je vais souvent manger dans ce wok.en général je suis satisfaite, le buffet et très varié il y en a pour tous les goût. Les desserts, bof ,du surgelés et pas trop top, heureusement que les glaces sont là. Je recommande (Translated by Google) I often eat in this wok. In general I am satisfied, the buffet is very varied, there is something for everyone. The desserts, meh, frozen and not too great, luckily the ice creams are there. I recommend

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Inès rated on Google

Très bon wok dans l’ensemble. (Translated by Google) Very good wok overall.

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Jean-Pierre Larriven rated on Google

Ne vous arrêtez pas à la façade. C'est plus spacieux, plus beau à l'intérieur. (Translated by Google) Don't stop at the facade. It's more spacious, more beautiful inside.

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Zubac Ghennadii rated on Google

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Fatou Samoura rated on Google

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Islande Vilsaint rated on Google

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Larissa Murillo rated on Google

(Translated by Google) The best wok I have ever been able to visit in other woks. I had eaten oysters and they let you take your child's food if he couldn't consume it inside. Magnificent (Original) La mejor wok q he podido visitar nunca en otros wok había comido ostras y te dejan llevar la comida de tu peke si no pudo consumir dentro magnific

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Lahcen Idrissi rated on Google

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Gebre K rated on Google

So delicious

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Jean Michel Batangouna rated on Google

Buffet à volonté et un grand choix (Translated by Google) All-you-can-eat buffet and a large choice

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Fabien Juste rated on Google

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Olivier Viret rated on Google

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Mohamed Rakha rated on Google

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Ilhem ayari rated on Google

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Nicolas Beauchene rated on Google

Resto propre et bon , les serveurs sont gentil et souriant et le prix correct (Translated by Google) Clean and good restaurant, the waiters are friendly and smiling and the price is right

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FALLONE MUSIC rated on Google

Dans l'ensemble un restaurant très spacieux propre avec beaucoup de qualités de produits frais (Translated by Google) Overall a very spacious, clean restaurant with lots of quality fresh produce

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Abdessamad Merad rated on Google

Très bien et prix corrects (Translated by Google) Very good and fair prices

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Jane NG rated on Google

Un vendredi midi, salle à moitié pleine. Le niveau sonore est acceptable. Le buffet propose un très large choix de plats cuisinés, accompagnements, fritures, sushis/makis, salade, fruits de mer, produits crus pour wok, desserts (pâtisseries, fruits découpés, glace et bonbons). Tout a l'air appétissant. Il y a tellement de choix qu'on est obligé de trouver son bonheur (Translated by Google) On a Friday lunchtime, room half full. The noise level is acceptable. The buffet offers a very wide choice of cooked dishes, side dishes, fried foods, sushi/makis, salad, seafood, raw wok products, desserts (pastries, cut fruits, ice cream and sweets). Everything looks appetizing. There are so many choices that you have to find what you're looking for.

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Magatte Mbaye rated on Google

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Mouna Djellas rated on Google

Meilleur restaurant du monde ❤️ (Translated by Google) Best restaurant in the world ❤️

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Christophe Bats Formation rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix, et personnel réactif et sympa (Translated by Google) Lots of choice, and responsive and friendly staff

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ORIENT Midleast rated on Google

J'ai mangé là bas top top 👌👍👍👍👍👍 (Translated by Google) I ate there top notch 👌👍👍👍👍👍

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P. ERIC rated on Google

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Lisa BALTHAZAR-CHRISTINE rated on Google

Plat en livraison très bien présenté. Formule très intéressante. Et repas très bon. Pour une première je recommande. (Translated by Google) Dish delivered very well presented. Very interesting formula. And very good meal. For a first time I recommend.

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My Linh TRAN rated on Google

Varités plats pour choisir. Les plats sont bons. Rapport de qualité et prix. (Translated by Google) Varieties dishes to choose from. The dishes are good. Quality and price ratio.

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Sophia Louri rated on Google

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Safia El Attar rated on Google

Très rentable très bon rien à signaler, j'y retournerai! (Translated by Google) Very profitable, very good, nothing to report, I will go back!

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Chancel Nkazi rated on Google

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Wiss Bhn rated on Google

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louve bleux rated on Google

Une superbe découverte, un restaurant varié adapter a tous avec un immense choix. Dommage qu'il se trouve loin d chez moi je me fera un plaisir d'y retourner. (Translated by Google) A superb discovery, a varied restaurant suitable for everyone with a huge choice. Too bad it's far from where I live, I'll be happy to go back there.

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Marie claire Cassagne rated on Google

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Kevin Jiokeng rated on Google

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Y. Z rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Very pleasantly surprised! Excellent all-you-can-eat restaurant Very high quality products and I know them because I am in the restaurant business myself! Well done to the team and a big up to the reception agent! (Original) Très agréablement surpris! Excellent restaurant à volonté Les produits de très hautes qualités et je m’y connais car je suis moi même de la restauration ! Bravo à l’équipe et un bigup à l’agent d’accueil !

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Grace Martinot rated on Google

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Alain Bedeau rated on Google

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Marlene Pareira rated on Google

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alexandro neuhoff rated on Google

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christophe chavanne rated on Google

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Flora Strasser rated on Google

(Translated by Google) This halal Asian all-you-can-eat buffet offers dishes from Southeast Asia but also from the Indian subcontinent, which is worth noting. The amount of different dishes is quite satisfying, but apart from Indian food, the rest is pretty standard. We can also point out that despite a fairly wide choice of desserts, the vast majority of them have nothing Asian in them, which is rather a shame. The food is nothing exceptional, but the wok remains qualitative, I am never disappointed there. The price of the cocktails is decent, but in my opinion, the classic sweet soft drinks are not worth it at all given their price. A major problem that the restaurant encounters is that despite its very large surface area and its fairly spacious parking lot (also taking into account that of the neighboring Bricorama), it is often a victim of its success on weekends, partly due to the fact that it is the only restaurant of its type in the surrounding area offering halal food. It is therefore quite common to have to queue to get in on weekend evenings. In addition, the wok is only managed by a single cook, which means that when there is a crowd, it quickly becomes a mess and mistakes are possible (for example, my plate has already been exchanged with the one of another). (Original) Ce buffet à volonté asiatique halal propose des plats d'Asie du Sud-Est mais aussi du sous-continent indien, ce qui est à noter. La quantité de plats différents est plutôt satisfaisante, mais mis à part la nourriture indienne, le reste est plutôt classique. On peut également souligner que malgré un choix de desserts assez large, la très grande majorité d'entre eux n'ont rien d'asiatique, c'est plutôt dommage. La nourriture n'a rien d'exceptionnel, mais le wok reste qualitatif, je n'y suis jamais déçue. Le prix des cocktails est convenable, mais à mon avis, les boissons softs sucrées classiques ne valent pas du tout le coup au vu de leur prix. Un problème majeur que rencontre le restaurant est que malgré sa très grande superficie et son parking assez spacieux (en prenant également en compte celui du Bricorama voisin), il est souvent victime de son succès le week-end, en partie dû au fait qu'il est le seul restaurant de ce type des environs proposant de la nourriture halal. Il est donc assez fréquent de devoir faire la queue pour y rentrer les soirées en week-end. De plus, le wok n'est géré que par un seul cuisinier, ce qui fait que lorsqu'il y'a foule, c'est très rapidement le bazar et des erreurs sont possibles (mon assiette a par exemple déjà été échangée avec celle d'un autre).


Damien C. rated on Click&Collect

Trop de riz dans les sushi

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Claude Sobezack rated on Google

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Мариша ШахРай rated on Google

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Rosa Marie rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Buffet with a lot of choice (frozen) it's the norm, we'll fill our stomachs well, only the oysters and sashimi are missing and I'll give you 5 stars (Original) Buffet avec beaucoup de choix (surgelé) c’est la norme bon on se blinde bien le bide il manque que les huitres et les sashimi et je vous donne 5 etoiles

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Catherine JOBLON rated on Google

(Translated by Google) I love eating there They take holiday vouchers and they are welcoming (Original) J'adore manger la bas Ils prennent les chèques vacances et ils sont accueillants

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Norman Nomer rated on Google

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Hasan şah rated on Google

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s.b.m.r 91 rated on Google

(Translated by Google) I went once and frankly it’s okay, there’s enough choice and it’s good (Original) J’suis aller une fois et franchement ça va y’a assez de choix et c’est bon

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SAIBI MANEL rated on Google

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Dan rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good restaurant with lots of choice so there is something for everyone. You will inevitably find dishes adapted to your tastes/constraints. (Original) Très bon restaurant avec beaucoup beaucoup de choix donc il y en a pour tous les goûts. Vous trouverez forcément des plats adaptés à vos goûts/contraintes.

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Moh Yacoub rated on Google

(Translated by Google) A very nice place to eat and share an interesting discussion. (Original) Un très bel endroit pour manger et partager une discussion intéressante.

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Kaddour Aissa mansour rated on Google

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SAIBI MANEL rated on Google

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Joanna Coomber rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Super good (Original) Super bon

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Amal rated on Google

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master94 hhandco rated on Google

(Translated by Google) It was perfect, the food was pure delight. (Original) C'était parfait la nourriture un pur delice

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Thierry Legros rated on Google

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françois Guery rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Vast choice! (Original) Vaste choix!

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Sarah Inafaste rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Great place for a friendly moment (Original) Super endroit pour un moment convivial

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Kaneki Kenn rated on Google

(Translated by Google) A really nice all-you-can-eat buffet, and for those who want to keep their children occupied, there is a children's corner with a hockey table and an arcade machine (Original) Un buffet à volonté vraiment sympa, et pour ceux qui veulent occuper leurs enfants, y a un coin enfant avec une table de hockey et une machine d'arcade

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Alassane SY rated on Google

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pascal oliveira rated on Google

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Haoua Bah rated on Google

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Amine Deffous rated on Google

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Maria MACHADO rated on Google

(Translated by Google) As per usual top (Original) Comme d habitude Top

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Fatouma Dango rated on Google

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Dalila rated on Google

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Nelson Seda rated on Google

Way better than a typical American buffet , one of the best I've had ever...if not the full..falling asleep as I type this review ...zzzzzzź....

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Галина Вырлан rated on Google

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Alexandre Rouillard rated on Google

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Philippe LENHARD rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good all you can eat restaurant (Original) Très bon restaurant à volonté

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kevin dechezelle rated on Google

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bounia akim rated on Google

(Translated by Google) fair price (Original) prix correct

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John rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Great moment shared at lunchtime! A large choice and quality products thank you! (Original) Super moment partagé le midi ! Un grand choix et produits de qualités merci !

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NTIGURA Yannick rated on Google

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Arlyne Galland rated on Google

(Translated by Google) The staff is very attentive. I picked up a take-out order and it was really good. I really liked the Korean-style beef. (Original) Le personnel est très attentionné. Je suis passée prendre une commande à emporter et c'est vraiment copieux. Le boeuf façon coréen m'a bien plu.

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Marc Bresson rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Here is my return after at least 15 visits. The food is very good, as are most of the desserts (the cannelés have always been disappointing). However, I was really disappointed with the property. The table we were seated on was really not clean, and above all there was a complete absence of hydroalcoholic gel on the tables or at the buffet level. You'll have to walk back and forth to the entrance to avoid sharing the miasma of all the other people who helped themselves before you. Very disappointing for an all you can eat buffet. (Original) Voici mon retour après au moins 15 venues. La nourriture est très bonne, tout comme la plupart des desserts (les cannelés ont toujours été décevant). J'ai néanmoins été sacrément déçu par la propriété. La table sur laquelle nous avons été assis n'était vraiment pas propre, et surtout il y a une absence complet de gel hydroalcoolique sur les tables ou bien au niveau du buffet. Vous devrez faire des allers-retours jusqu'à l'entrée pour éviter de partager les miasmes de toutes les autres personnes qui se sont servies avant vous. Très décevant pour un buffet à volonté.

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Dorothee Duffet rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Nice place and lots of choice. The food is good. I recommend this place (Original) Lieu agréable et beaucoup de choix. La nourriture est bonne. Je recommande ce lieu

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Iamine Dagno rated on Google

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Kossi Hyacinthe Hayibor rated on Google

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Thierry Legros rated on Google

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franck perain rated on Google

(Translated by Google) A buffet worthy of the name, the seafood buffet I enjoyed, everything was perfect, Clean, fresh, the grilled succulent, the sushi a marvel (Original) Un buffet digne de ce nom , le buffet fruit de mer je me suis régalé, tout était parfait, Propre, frais, les grillades succulentes, les sushis une merveille

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Steven Beguin rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good buffet, lots of choice. (Original) Buffet très bien, beaucoup de choix.

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Pape Diaw rated on Google

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Balan Daniela rated on Google

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Patricia Baron rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Nothing to say perfect 👍 (Original) Rien à dire parfait 👍

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daniella Lavista rated on Google

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Michael rated on Google

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cecad75 cecad rated on Google

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Justyna Dipita rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Good food and nice atmosphere. Very nice service (Original) Dobre jedzenie i fajna atmosfera. Obsluga bardzo mila

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Vasyl Melnyk rated on Google

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Souad Mout rated on Google

(Translated by Google) A top all-you-can-eat buffet. Brilliant à la minute cooking. The staff is kind and helpful. Honestly, I was with family and friends and we all enjoyed it. I will return with pleasure. (Original) Un buffet à volonté au top. Une cuisson à la minute géniale. Le personnel est gentil et serviable. Sincèrement j' étais en famille et des amis et nous avons tous apprécié. J'y retournerai avec plaisir.

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Hadi Douiri rated on Google

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Horacio De Miranda rated on Google

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Cathy Battistella rated on Google

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Martine Ferrier rated on Google

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Brigitte Martins rated on Google

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Souad Mout rated on Google

(Translated by Google) A top all-you-can-eat buffet. Brilliant à la minute cooking. The staff is kind and helpful. Honestly, I was with family and friends and we all enjoyed it. I will return with pleasure. (Original) Un buffet à volonté au top. Une cuisson à la minute géniale. Le personnel est gentil et serviable. Sincèrement j' étais en famille et des amis et nous avons tous apprécié. J'y retournerai avec plaisir.

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Ju DeLaRéunina rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Order to take away, forget sauce for the spring rolls, average quality and not very warm welcome. (Original) Commande à emporté, oublie de la sauce pour les nems, qualité moyenne et accueil pas très chaleureux.

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Sofia h rated on Google

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Stephane Gareau rated on Google

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Noys Noys rated on Google

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Евгения Мельник rated on Google

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Samantha Knobloch rated on Google

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Ion Turcanu rated on Google

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Michael rated on Google

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bilout bbil rated on Google

(Translated by Google) It’s a Restaurant like no other In Essonne Fresh food The welcome is perfect Cleanliness even in the perfect toilet Thank you very much 🫶 (Original) C’est un Restaurant comme aucun Dans l’Essonne La nourriture fraîche L’accueil est Parfait La propreté même au toilette nickel Merci beaucoup 🫶

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S Toum rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Huge choice of food. Good quality and good wok (Original) Vaste choix de nourriture. Bonne qualité et bon wok

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Raphaël Appiani rated on Google

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Francis Akue rated on Google

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Patrick G rated on Google

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Pascal Bariller rated on Google

(Translated by Google) The best of the best I loved a huge choice I recommend (Original) Le top du top j'ai adoré un choix immense je conseille

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Ebrima Kebbeh rated on Google

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amandine doumbia rated on Google

(Translated by Google) I am loyal to this restaurant, the food is very good, I go there with my colleagues, or with family, it is always a pleasant atmosphere and always friendly. And the very kind staff I recommend (Original) Je suis fidèle à ce restaurant la restauration et très bonne j'y vais avec mes collègues, ou en famille c'est toujours agréable ambiance et toujours sympa. Et le personnel très gentil je recommande

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Najwa Affash rated on Google

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Sidney H Ak. rated on Google


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Fabien Pizzo rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Good and wide selection for a decent price. Wok at the top! (Original) Bon et large choix pour un prix convenable. Wok au top !

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PATRICK VIGUIER rated on Google

(Translated by Google) still as good (Original) toujours aussi bon

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Márçia Mota rated on Google

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Nawal Guinot rated on Google

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Federico José Blanco rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Great variety of dishes, meat well prepared on the grill, good quality ice cream. expensive drink (Original) Gran variedad de platos, carne bien preparada en la parrilla, buena calidad en los helados. Bebida cara

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karima Baziz rated on Google

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jean-claude antoinette rated on Google

(Translated by Google) With my wife, have spent pleasant moments there. (Original) Avec ma femme, ont y a passez des moments agréables.

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ilies Sayagh rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Not bad (Original) Pas mal

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Babacar Diop rated on Google

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guy pivin rated on Google

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yass depaname rated on Google

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Houssaidou LAWANI-ADETCHESSI rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Welcoming and diverse menu (Original) Accueillant et menu diversifié

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Salima FETOUH rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Top you top (Original) Top du top

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Pedro Borges rated on Google

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Juan Carlos Sanchez (Perax) rated on Google

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Zak Louz rated on Google

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Cedric Vincent rated on Google

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natacha maryline rated on Google

(Translated by Google) A very good wok many choices (Original) Un très bon wok beaucoup de choix

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HΔΣζΛ ΨΛVŪζ rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Good amount of produce, I recommend jumping on the churros as soon as you see any, they quickly disappear 😉 (Original) Bonne quantité de produits, je recommande de sauter sur les churros dès que vous en voyez, ils disparaissent rapidement 😉

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Yasemin I. rated on Google

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Melvin Shong-geu rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Coming to this restaurant since it opened, it is a good asian all you can eat buffet with halal food and a very wide variety of food like Indian food. The food is generally very good for an all-you-can-eat buffet and the staff is very welcoming, smiling and professional. Some dishes have been removed since the switch to halal food, which is a shame. In addition, there are a lot of people and therefore also a lot of noise. (Original) Venant à ce restaurant depuis son ouverture, il s'agit d'un bon buffet à volonté asiatique proposant de la nourriture halal et une très grande variété de plats comme des plats indiens. La nourriture est dans l'ensemble très bonne pour un buffet à volonté et le personnel est très accueillant, souriant et professionnel. Certains plats ont été enlevés depuis le passage à la nourriture halal ce qui un peu dommage. De plus, il y a énormément de monde et donc aussi beaucoup de bruit.

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Marie Josée Soh rated on Google

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Keltouma Ouboukar rated on Google

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Alaa Mez rated on Google

(Translated by Google) top buffet restaurant full of choice dynamic team (Original) top des resto buffet plein de choix equipe dynamique

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iza milca rated on Google

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migo pole rated on Google

(Translated by Google) A friendly place I recommend but there is too much noise it looks like we are in a train station (Original) Un lieu convivial je vous conseille mais il y a trop de bruit on dirait que nous sommes dans une gare

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kevin corti rated on Google

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Lilia Baroncea rated on Google

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Tristan Reich rated on Google

(Translated by Google) A delight ! Only fresh and really very good product. The room, on the other hand, is confusing. However very clean toilet. The service is fine but it's hard to make people understand sometimes (Original) Un régal ! Que du produit frais et vraiment très bon. Par contre la salle est brouillante. Cependant toilette très propre. Le service ça va mais du mal a ce faire comprendre parfois

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Cotorobai Andrei rated on Google

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Marine Lelong rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Pretty good wok but quite expensive. The desserts are average but there is a choice. (Original) Wok plutôt bon mais assez cher. Les desserts sont moyens mais il y a du choix.

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Raphaël Zeno rated on Google

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Christna Scherelle DEDIZOULOU rated on Google

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Muriel Boccard rated on Google

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Thierry Baudry rated on Google

(Translated by Google) quality lunch I recommend (Original) déjeuner de qualité je recommande

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Julian Moreno rated on Google

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Moh Gormit rated on Google

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Laurence Tapé rated on Google

A volonté wahoooouuuuu. Toutes les bonnes saveurs de l entrée au plat principal jusqu'au désert trop bon (Translated by Google) At will wahoooouuuuu. All the good flavors from the starter to the main course to the desert too good

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IneAly H. rated on Google

Bon buffet à volonté avec du choix et de la qualitée, Juste les plats il ne sont pas assez chaud, plutôt froid dommage en ce temps chaud sa passe limite et de Vérifier le micro-onde!! Sinon nickel (Translated by Google) Good all-you-can-eat buffet with choice and quality, Just the dishes are not hot enough, rather cold, too bad in this hot weather its limited pass and Check the microwave!! Otherwise nickel

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dekhili louisa rated on Google

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Ion Creciun rated on Google

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PHOTHER Mang Zéng Min rated on Google

Rien à dire, c'était bien 👍 Beaucoup de choix ! Et c'était très bon. (Translated by Google) Nothing to say, it was good 👍 Lots of choices! And it was very good.

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bel mah rated on Google

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André CANNOU rated on Google

Super restaurant

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Le singe De twitter rated on Google

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Corinne Calmant rated on Google

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chak pro rated on Google

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Dima Turkuman rated on Google

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Julien Domingue rated on Google

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Andres Jeszenszky rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Big. Clean. Varied food (Original) Grande. Limpio. Comida variada

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Meyssam Mcharek rated on Google

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Neutron G rated on Google

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Heilux BHR rated on Google

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Virgilijus Batjanas rated on Google

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Erika Low rated on Google

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Faiza Mac rated on Google

Parfait pour un buffet, on nous a agréablement accueilli, le buffet est très varié, chinois, thai, indien, pizza etc. Les employés st très souriants et disponibles. A refaire (Translated by Google) Perfect for a buffet, we were pleasantly welcomed, the buffet is very varied, Chinese, Thai, Indian, pizza etc. The employees are very smiling and available. To redo

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Olga rated on Google

Nourriture fraîche, délicieusement préparée. Grand choix de fruits de mer, poissons, différentes options pour les plats de poulet et de viande. Salades, fromages, petits pains. Pour le dessert - un grand choix de glaces, fruits, gâteaux, pâtisseries et desserts. Ambiance sympa, prix très raisonnable ! (Translated by Google) Fresh food, deliciously prepared. Great selection of seafood, fish, different options for chicken and meat dishes. Salads, cheeses, rolls. For dessert - a large selection of ice cream, fruit, cakes, pastries and desserts. Nice atmosphere, very reasonable price!

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Flavius Turcanu rated on Google

Great food . Super propre. (Translated by Google) Great food. Super clean.

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Françoise LE PRIOL rated on Google

Très bien mangé le personnel extrêmement sympathique (Translated by Google) Very good food extremely friendly staff

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marie rated on Google

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Dumitriţa Ciobu rated on Google

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Mohamed Fourat BEN SALAH rated on Google

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Siba Béatrice rated on Google

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Swetlania Kangala rated on Google

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Sebastien Langre rated on Google

Je recommande, personnels très accueillant et sympathique. (Translated by Google) I recommend, very welcoming and friendly staff.

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zeghida fares rated on Google

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Jeannine Vassort rated on Google

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Emre Mete rated on Google

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Snezana Paunovic rated on Google

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Olivier Desté rated on Google

Bon rapport qualité /prix. Propre et spacieux. (Translated by Google) Good value for money. Clean and spacious.

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Jerome Gromas rated on Google

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Abdoulaye Bathily rated on Google

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Ju DeLaRéunina rated on Google

Commande à emporté, bonne quantité et qualité, R.A.S (Translated by Google) Order to take away, good quantity and quality, R.A.S

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Marian Serban rated on Google

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Hiba Lucette rated on Google

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Saïda Eyisse rated on Google

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Mickael Elie rated on Google

Un grand merci pour votre accueil, vous êtes très sympathique Vraiment comme à la maison 😉 (Translated by Google) A big thank you for your welcome, you are very friendly Really like home 😉

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Billy Luon rated on Google

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Adina ionela Tanasie rated on Google

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Ralph Bambs rated on Google

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Wendy' rated on Google

Rien à dire, c'était super bien ! Je suis aller pour 12h. Le Wok est grand est beau, il y a de l'espace, une grande télé et on est à votre service. La Dame à l'accueil était vraiment gentille avec moi et mes copines et a tout fait pour qu'on sois à l'aise. Le 06/05/23, c'était mon 14ème anniversaire et quand on avait tous fini de manger elle a mis de la musique et on m'a souhaiter Joyeux anniversaire !! C'était vraiment adorable. Ce n'ai pas la première fois que je suis aller là-bas. C'était la deuxième fois et ce n'ai pas la dernière. A part ça, il y a aussi des plats indiens et toute sorte de choses comme des sushis, du saumon et autres comme des frites de la viande des crevettes... De TOUT! Niveau dessert il y a des pattiseries (gâteaux, chuross, pancakes, fontaines au chocolat...) avec de la glace et des bonbons. Il y a vraiment beaucoup de choix je vous conseille vraiment de y aller. Avant d'aller là bas j'avais vu quelques mauvais commentaires j'avais super peur d'être déçu et je ne le suis pas. Bref foncez, tout est bien représenté!!!! (Translated by Google) Nothing to say, it was great! I went for 12 noon. The Wok is big and beautiful, there is space, a big TV and we are at your service. The lady at the reception was really nice to me and my girlfriends and did everything to make us feel comfortable. On 06/05/23, it was my 14th birthday and when we had all finished eating she put on some music and they wished me Happy Birthday!! It was really sweet. It's not the first time I've been there. It was the second time and it won't be the last. Apart from that, there are also Indian dishes and all sorts of things like sushi, salmon and others like fries, meat, shrimps... EVERYTHING! Dessert level there are pastries (cakes, chuross, pancakes, chocolate fountains...) with ice cream and candies. There are really a lot of choices I really recommend you to go there. Before going there I had seen some bad comments I was really afraid of being disappointed and I am not. In short, go for it, everything is well represented!!!!

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Francine Prime rated on Google

Cuisine très variée. Par contre beaucoup de bruit dommage (Translated by Google) Very varied cuisine. On the other hand a lot of noise too bad

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David Kialanda rated on Google

Très bon je aime (Translated by Google) Very good I like

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Koceila Boukenna rated on Google

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Marjorie CASTAING-PINI rated on Google

On n'a fait notre mariage très accueillant es là on n'a prévu de faire le baptême de notre fille ce mois ci le gérant super sympa même il nous laisse décorer la salle (Translated by Google) We didn't have our very welcoming wedding there we didn't plan to do our daughter's baptism this month the super nice manager even lets us decorate the room

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Gilles Gauderlot rated on Google

Quand on va dans ce genre de restaurant, on sait à quoi s'attendre. Mais, ici, c'est un vrai restaurant halal (même si on y retrouve de l'alcool en vente, il est vrai), la cuisine y est tres variée, avec un TRÈS grand choix, des prix corrects lorsqu'on y rajoute un cocktail non alcoolisé. On peut manger à sa faim, sans attente, c'est le principe du buffet libre service. Les deux seuls aspects à prendre absolument en compte: en weekend/début de mois, il peut y avoir la queue si on arrive un peu tard et surtout les places de parking sont limitées et vous devez vous garer sur celui du Bricorama et pas nécessairement les places les plus proches. Mais encore une fois, s'il est si fréquenté, y compris par des familles nombreuses, c'est parce qu'il est abordable et la nourriture de bonne qualité ! (Translated by Google) When you go to this kind of restaurant, you know what to expect. But, here, it's a real halal restaurant (even if there is alcohol on sale, it's true), the cuisine is very varied, with a VERY large choice, correct prices when you add a non-alcoholic cocktail. You can eat to your heart's content, without waiting, this is the principle of the self-service buffet. The only two aspects to absolutely take into account: at the weekend/beginning of the month, there can be a queue if you arrive a little late and above all the parking spaces are limited and you must park on the Bricorama parking lot and not necessarily the nearest places. But once again, if it is so popular, including by large families, it is because it is affordable and the food is of good quality!

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Ria rated on Google

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Kadiatou DIALLO rated on Google

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EmmaNuel B. rated on Google

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Bakary Traoré rated on Google

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Catarina DE AMORIM rated on Google

Très grand choix. Wok agréable. Personnel sympa (Translated by Google) Very large choice. Pleasant wok. Nice staff

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Miguel Ângelo Sousa Pereira rated on Google

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billel ammari rated on Google

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delibou rated on Google

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rodrigue abotsi rated on Google

Très bon accueil (Translated by Google) Very nice home

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Christophe Ruiz rated on Google

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Nadège AMIGUET rated on Google

Service de20h Les aliments étaient tièdes ,limites froid . C est dommage car il y a une grande variété de produits . Je recommande tout de même (Translated by Google) Service from 8 p.m. The food was lukewarm, borderline cold. It's a shame because there is a wide variety of products. I still recommend

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Lai Christophe rated on Google

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Zatzatar Taztazar rated on Google

Super accueil, buffet bien garni et pas mal de choix. (Translated by Google) Great welcome, well-stocked buffet and a lot of choice.

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Myking Joseph rated on Google

C trop bon (Translated by Google) It's too good

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Doug Saga rated on Google

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Djellal Hamid rated on Google

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Bat MamBoss rated on Google

Un bon moment en famille ce fut agréable (Translated by Google) A good time with the family, it was pleasant

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Carole Lecullier rated on Google

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christine ETOURNEAU rated on Google

J'adore. Très propre, variés pour tous les choix. Je recommande mille fois. (Translated by Google) I adore. Very clean, varied for all choices. I recommend a thousand times.

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Pierre Perret rated on Google

Super concept, accueillant et viande excellente (Translated by Google) Great concept, welcoming and excellent meat

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Cucu Aliodor rated on Google

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pascale odouard rated on Google

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jessica berry rated on Google

Le restaurant est top ! A 3 minutes à pied de la gare de Viry Châtillon, simple et bon. Petit bémol sur le choix en semaine, il n’y en a pas beaucoup. Mais ça reste correct au vue du prix qu’on paie en semaine. (Translated by Google) The restaurant is great! 3 minutes walk from Viry Châtillon station, simple and good. Small flat on the choice during the week, there are not many. But it's still okay for the price you pay on weekdays.

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Bineta Faye rated on Google

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Fatou Toum rated on Google

Super accueil vraiment personnel au top c sur je reviendrai si Dieu le veut (Translated by Google) Super welcome really personal at the top c on I will come back God willing

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Germán Loachamín Huertas rated on Google

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PaniPwoBlem rated on Google

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Gatien Gregori rated on Google

Correct, prix juste et produits frais. Bonne surprise pour un buffet. (Translated by Google) Correct, fair price and fresh products. Good surprise for a buffet.

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maurine plouchart rated on Google

Service agréable, merci au serveur Mathias. (Translated by Google) Pleasant service, thanks to the waiter Mathias.

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Elisabeth CARMEL rated on Google

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Black Out rated on Google

Franchement c'est cool, du bon personnel, bon expérience, j'y retournerai (Translated by Google) Frankly it's cool, good staff, good experience, I'll go back

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Aicha Mohamed (moecha25) rated on Google

Toujours très sympa très convivial. Un peu beaucoup de bruit dû au nombre de gens. Mais le service est à la hauteur très rapide on attendant pas lgt pour une grillade ou un wok. Les tables sont débarrassé très rapidement toujours très propres même les toilettes. (Translated by Google) Always very nice very friendly. A bit much noise due to the number of people. But the service is up to it very fast, we don't wait for a grilled meat or a wok. The tables are cleared very quickly always very clean even the toilets.

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Laurent Legendre rated on Google

( 2022 ) Bon restos grill m'est sans plus . hygiène et propreté de travail a revoir . Celà a bien changé depuis ma première visite ! Dommage ! ( Je vois avec soulagement qu en se jour février 2023 ) que depuis ma dernière visite toutes ces améliorer,et mérite de récupérer des étoiles. A découvrir ! (Translated by Google) (2022) Good grill restaurants is nothing more to me. hygiene and cleanliness of work to review. It has changed a lot since my first visit! Damage ! (I see with relief that today in February 2023) that since my last visit all these have improved, and deserve to recover stars. To discover !

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Fode Oumar Camara rated on Google

J’ai bien aimé ce restaurant (Translated by Google) I liked this restaurant

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Gabriel GD rated on Google

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jeannine saint martin rated on Google

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Valeriu Chperi rated on Google

Super WOK

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Meilleur Wok des environs, qualité, professionnalisme, propreté, ce restaurant est spacieux et très bien agencé. Le buffet est régulièrement approvisionné et très bien garni ! L'équipe est sympathique et aux petits soins, en livraison les portions sont si généreuses qu'on en a pour quelques jours :-) Merci à tous, nous reviendrons :-) #TeamBrulu (Translated by Google) Best Wok around, quality, professionalism, cleanliness, this restaurant is spacious and very well laid out. The buffet is regularly stocked and very well stocked! The team is friendly and caring, in delivery the portions are so generous that we have enough for a few days :-) Thank you all, we will be back :-) #TeamBrulu

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Christine Hartmann rated on Google

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Caro Diatta rated on Google

Resto sympa (Translated by Google) Nice restaurant

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L Mkt rated on Google

Très bon et beaucoup de choix .a refaire (Translated by Google) Very good and a lot of choice. to do again

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Jacques Mingorance rated on Google

Accueil super sympa on s'occupe de vous de suite (Translated by Google) Super friendly welcome we take care of you right away

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Delia Cristina Jude rated on Google


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René973 rated on Google

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Nadine lengliné rated on Google

Très beau restaurant. Nourriture variée (Translated by Google) Very nice restaurant. Varied food

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Lolineda Fernandes rated on Google

Très bon et très frais. Merci (Translated by Google) Very good and very fresh. Thanks

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Soumia France rated on Google

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Hugo Faustino rated on Google

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Nicole Dornet rated on Google

Lieu très accueillant Personnel aimable Plats variés Qualité prix honnêtes (Translated by Google) Very welcoming place Kind staff Varied dishes Quality fair prices

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kaguibou kaguibou rated on Google

Parfait, mais trop de monde bruyant.. (Translated by Google) Perfect, but too many noisy people..

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Driss El rated on Google

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F. Zenati rated on Google

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Ahcene Idjerouidene rated on Google

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Zouher Zouher rated on Google

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Jb Brauge rated on Google

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ines achour rated on Google

Magnifique soirée de Noël (Translated by Google) Wonderful Christmas evening

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Odile Cita rated on Google

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el maestro rated on Google

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Afissou Adehan rated on Google

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Gabriel Cozea rated on Google

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Emelyne Racon rated on Google

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KLeMiX In The Mix rated on Google

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Bahloul Lydia rated on Google

Très bien (Translated by Google) Alright

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jean-jacques Chatillon rated on Google

Bon plan quand on a faim car le buffet est à volonté . En dehors des cuisines asiatique nous y trouvons aussi des pizzas et des plats que les enfants adorent. (Translated by Google) Good plan when you are hungry because the buffet is all you can eat. Apart from Asian cuisine, we also find pizzas and dishes that children love.

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Elodie HG rated on Google

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Nsaka Nganga (NS La Styliste) rated on Google

Nice place, friendly staff! Large variety of food.

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Sylvain rated on Google

Un robot viens vous servir à boire, cool (Translated by Google) A robot comes to serve you a drink, cool

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lya sweety rated on Google

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Atef Ben Youssef rated on Google

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Jamal Hammani rated on Google

Nourriture Halal avec des amis. Concept à volonté pas mal. (Translated by Google) Halal food with friends. All-you-can-eat concept not bad.

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s91 rated on Google

je recherche un mec qui était au wok samedi 3 décembre pendant le match Argentine Australie. j’suis arrivée vers 20h et il y était déjà à une table ronde avec plusieurs de ses potes. il était habillé en noir avec une veste, au dos la virgule nike blanche. au début il avait un cache cou ou bonnet sur la tête puis il l’as enlevé. il était tout le temps accompagné d’un mec habillé tout en rouge avec une sacoche noir, cheveux bouclés, une casquette noir et sa capuche par dessus. dans les coups de 21h ils ont changés de table. (j’ai l’habitude d’y aller et c’est le meilleur Wok que j’ai mangé) (Translated by Google) I am looking for a guy who was in the wok on Saturday December 3 during the Argentina Australia match. I arrived around 8 p.m. and he was already there at a round table with several of his friends. he was dressed in black with a jacket, on the back the white nike comma. at first he had a neck warmer or hat on his head then he took it off. he was always accompanied by a guy dressed all in red with a black satchel, curly hair, a black cap and his hood over it. around 9 p.m. they changed tables. (I used to go there and it's the best Wok I've eaten)

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Mag Mak rated on Google

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Thomas Smiley rated on Google

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Marieme Sylla rated on Google

Très bien. Beaucoup de choix (Translated by Google) Alright. A lot of choices

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nina Julié rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix et la qualité est au rendez vous , un des meilleurs buffets que j’ai fait 👌🏽 (Translated by Google) Lots of choices and the quality is there, one of the best buffets I've had 👌🏽

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Iludina Semedo rated on Google

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Leila Sophi rated on Google

Franchement j’en est fait des wook c’est le meilleur (Translated by Google) Frankly I'm done wook it's the best

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Alexcolal Colo rated on Google

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Ines Teixeira rated on Google

Cadre Spacieux , beaucoup de choix mais préfère celui de Neuilly Plaisance. (Translated by Google) Spacious setting, many choices but prefers that of Neuilly Plaisance.

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Johanna Oberlin rated on Google

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Jérôme GALLIER rated on Google

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chak ben rated on Google

Le restaurant et bien plus que parafait, manger surr place ou commandez l'accueil aimable j'aime bien je vous conseille d'aller visiter solo couples et en famille 👪 (Translated by Google) The restaurant is much more than perfect, eat on site or order the friendly welcome I like it I advise you to visit solo couples and families 👪

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Nawel Samir rated on Google

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therese pauthier rated on Google

Commande préparée très rapidement produits très frais très bons (Translated by Google) Order prepared very quickly very fresh products very good

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lionel moulle rated on Google

Très bien (Translated by Google) Alright

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Jerem S rated on Google

Digne d'un grand buffet à volonté, beaucoup de choix. Rapport qualité prix très bien. (Translated by Google) Worthy of a large all-you-can-eat buffet, lots of choice. Value for money very well.

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jacqueline bethmont rated on Google

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Djerbi Eddy sami rated on Google

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sof iane rated on Google

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Mustapha KELMOUS rated on Google

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Cemoo rated on Google

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Stéphanie Le Manchec rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix et service rapide. Les lieux sont propres. (Translated by Google) Lots of choices and fast service. The places are clean.

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DJOUDI NABIL rated on Google

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Abdelrahman Soliman rated on Google


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jb delaroche rated on Google

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bilal kaya rated on Google

Magnifique👌 (Translated by Google) Beautiful👌

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Ionut godja rated on Google

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Pamela Tocasca Carpio rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent!! (Original) Excelente!!

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Ferfeu rated on Google

Du pareil au même pour ce type d établissements (Translated by Google) The same for this type of establishments

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Mathieu Pierre rated on Google

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Annie Russo rated on Google

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christine mathieu rated on Google

Resto sympa, on y va souvent (Translated by Google) Nice restaurant, we go there often

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N Thong VU rated on Google

En étant à la recherche d’un lieu loin des tumultes de Paris, me voici au Wok Grill de Viry-Châtillon. Quel est ma surprise !!! Woaww !! Les plats proposés, le choix, le goût, la quantité tout y est. Le personnel aimable, chaleureux et serviables. Il y a tellement à dire de positif sur ce restaurant…. Il y en a pour tous les goûts. On passe de la restauration indienne, asiatique, du choix dans les poissons, fruits de mers (écrevisses, crevettes, huîtres, crabes, moules…). Un tour dans les plats au Wok avec nombreux choix de sauces et aux grillades vraiment au top. Les desserts que ce soit les pâtisseries aux fruits frais et aux glaces, on continue notre voyage dans la gastronomie. On y met le prix un peu plus de 20€ mais ça les vaut largement (heures pleines). (Translated by Google) Looking for a place far from the hustle and bustle of Paris, here I am at the Wok Grill in Viry-Châtillon. What is my surprise!!! Wow!! The dishes offered, the choice, the taste, the quantity, everything is there. Friendly, warm and helpful staff. There is so much to say about this restaurant…. There is something for every taste. We go from Indian, Asian catering, the choice of fish, seafood (crayfish, shrimp, oysters, crabs, mussels, etc.). A tour of the Wok dishes with many choices of sauces and grills really at the top. Desserts, whether pastries with fresh fruit and ice cream, we continue our journey in gastronomy. We put the price a little more than 20 € but it is well worth it (peak hours).

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Nicolas romby rated on Google

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Ahmed Enassirie rated on Google

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momo47 rated on Google

Bien (Translated by Google) GOOD

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SMECICAS ALEXA rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good (Original) Forte bun

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Chaambani M'SSA rated on Google

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rozina pardane rated on Google

Équipes toujours souriantes et professionnelle, buffets variées à volontés et petit prix. Je recommande (Translated by Google) Always smiling and professional teams, varied all-you-can-eat buffets and low prices. I recommend

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Gi Pereira rated on Google

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djiby sylla rated on Google

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Dina Cintyha rated on Google

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S Ledesigner rated on Google

Magnifique (Translated by Google) Gorgeous

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SOTOHOU Landry rated on Google

Vous êtes amoureux du bon et du très bon, faites-y un tour. J’étais juste impressionné par tout ce qu’on peut y trouver comme grandes marques. (Translated by Google) You are in love with the good and the very good, take a look. I was just impressed by all that you can find there as big brands.

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Karim Meftah rated on Google

Trop bien .un grand choix..merci à toute équipe (Translated by Google) Too good. a great choice.. thanks to all the team

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maud desclos rated on Google

J ai adoré ce lieu très grand tables espacées et un grand choix incroyable de plats très bon et à volonté. Les serveurs et serveuses très professionnels et aimables en plus il y a un drôle de robot qui amène les boissons au serveur jusqu'à la table .Je vais revenir et recommander ce restaurant. Merci 😊 (Translated by Google) I loved this place very large spaced tables and an incredible wide choice of very good and all-you-can-eat dishes. The waiters and waitresses are very professional and friendly, plus there is a funny robot that brings the drinks to the waiter up to the table. I will come back and recommend this restaurant. Thank you 😊

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Ibrahim Sambedja rated on Google

Très bien (Translated by Google) Alright

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Inna R rated on Google

Y'a énormément de choix, plutôt bien pour venir manger en famille ou fêter un anniversaire, le personnel est très accueillant (Translated by Google) There's a lot of choice, pretty good for eating with family or celebrating a birthday, the staff is very welcoming

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chantalodile baptiste rated on Google

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Mohamed Kemmas rated on Google

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Pascal Buy rated on Google

Le vendredi 26 août 12:15 Nourriture très correcte, service rapide. C'est bon🤗 (Translated by Google) Friday August 26 12:15 Very good food, quick service. It's good🤗

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Alan Krkr rated on Google

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Le petit chaperon rouge rated on Google

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Carlos Alberto rated on Google


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Barbosa Claude rated on Google

Très bien ! (Translated by Google) Alright !

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The world Of Ik rated on Google

Très très bon, buffets divers et surtout produits frais et de qualités (Translated by Google) Very very good, various buffets and above all fresh and quality products

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Thabti m rated on Google

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Olga Rossi rated on Google

Bon restaurant , formule à volontée , vaste choix , grande salle joliment décorée. (Translated by Google) Good restaurant, formula at will, wide choice, large room nicely decorated.

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Ala Bruma rated on Google

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claire gimenez rated on Google

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mendes rodrigues antonieta rated on Google

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Suzanne Allard-meeus rated on Google

Beaucoup de diversité dans les plats proposés qui sont très bons. Excellent accueil (Translated by Google) Lots of diversity in the dishes offered which are very good. Great welcome

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yemele ivana rated on Google

Service à volonté au top! Sushis très bon (Translated by Google) Service at will at the top! Very good sushi

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Joanne Chen rated on Google

Un buffet près de chez soi est souvent très utile de plus que c'est délicieux les serveurs sont très respectueux (Translated by Google) A buffet close to home is often very useful more than it is delicious the waiters are very respectful

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Pascal Chen rated on Google

Excellent restaurant recommandé, de très bonne nourriture avec une propreté excellente . Très recommandé pour les anniversaires ou repas de famille avec un multiple choix de repas ou désert . (Translated by Google) Excellent restaurant recommended, very good food with excellent cleanliness. Highly recommended for birthdays or family meals with a multiple choice of meals or desert.

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Damien Jacquot rated on Google

On a bien mangé. le prix correct pour le choix. Le videur toujours le sourire. A faire (Translated by Google) We ate well. the correct price for the choice. The bouncer always smiling. To do

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Vladan Todorovic rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Paris wedding ring 😀 (Original) Pariska vereca 😀

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Lila A rated on Google

Du choix et pour tous les goûts. Le wok est parfait. On prend souvent des commandes à emporter mais on a été au buffet et c’est convivial. (Translated by Google) Choice and for all tastes. The wok is perfect. We often take take-out orders but we have been to the buffet and it is friendly.

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Maxime Dupuis rated on Google

Très large choix, bonne ambiance. On m’a fêté mon anniversaire avec un robot 👍🏻 (Translated by Google) Very wide choice, good atmosphere. They celebrated my birthday with a robot 👍🏻

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JEAN MARC RAMOS rated on Google

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krystina zoqué rated on Google

Large choix de nourritures bonne ambiance revoir l’hygiène chez certains membres du personnel se trouvant au wok mettre ses doigts dans le nez ainsi que sa bouche pas top du tt ou manger pendant que l’on prépare les sushis c’est pour cela que je retire une étoile. (Translated by Google) Wide choice of food good atmosphere review the hygiene of some staff members at the wok put their fingers in their noses and their mouths not top of the tt or eat while we prepare the sushi that's why I remove a star.

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Jean-Pierre MACAUD rated on Google

grande salle et très accueillant. très bon service et on y mange très bien. Je recommande pour les amateur de resto. wok (Translated by Google) large room and very welcoming. very good service and the food is very good. I recommend for restaurant lovers. wok

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IRINA MESINA rated on Google

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Reda Guighil rated on Google

C'est grand, agréable et bon (Translated by Google) It's big, nice and good

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Nopor Styler rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix en terme de plats dans toutes les catégories proposées! Seul bémol les viandes à faire cuire sont bizarrement caoutchouteuses malgré une demande de cuisson bien cuite! Personnel sympa et réactif cependant! Excellent entre amis ou collègues pour satisfaire tout les goûts! (Translated by Google) Many choices in terms of dishes in all categories offered! Only downside the meats to be cooked are oddly rubbery despite a request for cooking well done! Friendly and responsive staff though! Excellent with friends or colleagues to satisfy all tastes!

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naoel16 rated on Google

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Pedro Freitas rated on Google

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Hattori Sama rated on Google

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Claudie Koudogbo rated on Google

Super restaurant avec un personnel extraordinaire. On y très bien et chaud. Çà vaut le détour (Translated by Google) Great restaurant with amazing staff. It is very good and warm. It's worth the detour

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Decobyninis rated on Google

Jamais déçu le top des wok (Translated by Google) Never disappointed the wok top

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Chabi Zak rated on Google

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Victor De Sousa rated on Google

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Andrée Duhoux rated on Google

Un très bon accueil propre voilà mais là c'est fait on a retenu c'est que c'est un peu cher mais très accueillant (Translated by Google) A very good clean welcome here but there it is done we have retained it is that it is a little expensive but very welcoming

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Natalia CONDREA rated on Google

Très bon accueil,buffet généreux. En plus on a eu notre table préférée. (Translated by Google) Very warm welcome, generous buffet. Plus we got our favorite table.

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Damien Rochette rated on Google

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Pierre Gervais rated on Google

Super restaurant avec beaucoup de choix dommage un peu trop bruyant (Translated by Google) Great restaurant with a lot of choice too bad a bit too noisy

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florence pivin rated on Google

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Chantal Lévi rated on Google

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Aymane BENSLIMANE rated on Google

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Marie BONTE rated on Google

Très bon restaurant seul bémol parfois trop de monde.sinon beaucoup de choix et nourriture délicieux (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant only downside sometimes too crowded. Otherwise a lot of choice and delicious food

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sada Sadader rated on Google

Toujours à la hauteur depuis des années que je connais ce resto Franchement le top des top ........ (Translated by Google) Always up to the task for years that I know this restaurant Frankly the top of the top ........

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Izé Kanté rated on Google

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Hafida Assendal rated on Google

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graziella simone rated on Google

Très bonne ambiance. Prix très abordable énormément de choix (Translated by Google) Very good atmosphere. Very affordable price lots of choice

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JACK JACK rated on Google

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mohamed hamdi rated on Google

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isabelle dubourg rated on Google

Très bon restaurant (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant

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Farid Belkacem rated on Google

J'ai souhaité tenter l'expérience culinaire au vu des bons commentaires et de passage à Viry chatillon, pourquoi 3 étoiles, bien que le choix soit varié et l'accueil plutôt chaleureux, il n'en reste pas moins un restaurant à volonté comme il y en a tant en Île de France. Rien de particulier, dommage cheveux trouvé sur les sushis et les gâteaux encore congelés au cœur. Bref payé 101€ pour 4 personnes, 2 cocktails, 2 badois 3 menus adulte et 1 menu enfant. A ce prix, on peux trouver mieux en gastronomie Asiatique. (Translated by Google) I wanted to try the culinary experience in view of the good comments and passing through Viry chatillon, why 3 stars, although the choice is varied and the welcome rather warm, there is nevertheless an all-you-can-eat restaurant like there are so many in Île de France. Nothing in particular, hair damage found on sushi and cakes still frozen to the core. In short, paid €101 for 4 people, 2 cocktails, 2 Badois, 3 adult menus and 1 children's menu. At this price, you can find better in Asian gastronomy.

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sabrina lounis rated on Google

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AYMEN LARAIEDH rated on Google

Très bon service qualité de bouf pas mal mais ils peuvent faire mieux pour les desserts (Translated by Google) Very good service quality of food not bad but they can do better for desserts

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Dany Tolsy rated on Google

Accueil et service super (Translated by Google) Great welcome and service

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Christian Houot rated on Google

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Sandrine Lutrat rated on Google

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Halina Markiewicz rated on Google

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Emir Yakut rated on Google

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fatima chaout rated on Google

Personnel très avenant poli Toujours un plaisir d'y retourner au niveau des choix super juste ce qu'il faut pour passer un très bon moment entre amis ou familial (Translated by Google) Very polite polite staff Always a pleasure to go back to the level of super choices just what it takes to have a great time with friends or family

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Lavanya Baktavatchalou rated on Google

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Saliha HEDJINE rated on Google

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Céline Tracq rated on Google

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Stanley Bigot rated on Google

Ambiance et service de qualité Le personnel est très agréable Je recommande (Translated by Google) Quality atmosphere and service The staff is very nice I recommend

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sofiane terbaoui rated on Google

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lapins crétins rated on Google

Pas mal, par contre trop de bruit. (Translated by Google) Not bad, but too noisy.

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sebastien escudié rated on Google

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Dieudonné Kamalandua rated on Google

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sl mj rated on Google

Un bon établissement. (Translated by Google) A good establishment.

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Alvin SAINTE-ROSE-LAGIN rated on Google

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Jonas Mopero rated on Google

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Caroline BIROUANA rated on Google

Bon accueil. Bel décoration et un large choix aux buffets à volonté. Et le petit plus une fontaine à chocolat 🍫. (Translated by Google) Good welcome. Beautiful decoration and a wide choice at the all-you-can-eat buffets. And the little extra a chocolate fountain 🍫.

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matt BL rated on Google

Excellent restaurant, large choix de plats,les sushis sont super bons et le personnel très agréable :) Je recommande vivement (Translated by Google) Excellent restaurant, wide choice of dishes, the sushi is super good and the staff very pleasant :) I highly recommend

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Thierry A rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix, salle immense (Translated by Google) Lots of choices, huge room

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Kevin Parkerlee rated on Google

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Vanessa Russel rated on Google

Super bon jamais déçu (Translated by Google) Super good never disappointed

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Romuald Jeannot rated on Google

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Long Tiphanie rated on Google

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Fodil Ouzib rated on Google

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etre libre rated on Google

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cosmin cristea rated on Google

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Rosetta Fayad rated on Google

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alain condemine rated on Google

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driss masky rated on Google

Très propre plat varié personnel accueillant souriant toujours à notre disposition vraiment rien à dire je recommande (Translated by Google) Very clean varied dish welcoming staff smiling always at our disposal really nothing to say I recommend

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tony ferraz rated on Google

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A CONSTANTIN rated on Google

Un buffet variés et IMMENSE du choix à perte de vue, des employés extrêmement poli et toujours à disposition et doté d'une grand gentillesse.. et surtout des saveurs à en faire perdre la tête ! Des plats frais ! Je recommande! (Translated by Google) A varied and HUGE buffet of choices as far as the eye can see, employees extremely polite and always available and endowed with great kindness .. and above all flavors to make your head spin! Fresh dishes! I recommend!

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PsykaTrie rated on Google

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Hiba BOUZAR rated on Google

Non seulement très bon j’adore manger chez eux très propre le personnel souriants accueillant rien à dire je donne 5 Etoiles (Translated by Google) Not only very good I love eating at their place very clean the welcoming smiling staff nothing to say I give 5 Stars

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Granger sebastien rated on Google

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Roland Blanchard rated on Google

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Cécile Matilde “Cew” rated on Google

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Mahdjouba AOUANE NAAK rated on Google

Parfait. (Translated by Google) Perfect.

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Noje972 rated on Google

Dans mon top 3 des meilleurs chinois à volonté du nord du 91. Beaucoup de choix par contre devient vite rempli et vite bruyant après 21h. Sinon très bonne expérience et très bon service. (Translated by Google) In my top 3 of the best all-you-can-eat Chinese in the north of 91. Many choices, on the other hand, quickly become full and quickly noisy after 9 p.m. Otherwise very good experience and very good service.

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Benedicte C rated on Google

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Pierrick Pichon rated on Google

Tres bon et propre (Translated by Google) Very good and clean

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pascal penichost rated on Google

Notre cantine !!! ... Nous aimons y aller fréquemment. (Translated by Google) Our canteen!!! ... We like to go there frequently.

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Hassana AMZIL rated on Google

Très bon restaurant (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant

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Jose Mavungo rated on Google


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Awa-eve Fofana rated on Google

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Alonse Pierre rated on Google

Rien à dire l'accueil est vraiment formidable. franchement un bon endroit pour manger et s'amuser et en plus c'était l'anniversaire de mon fils. N'hésitez pas à le visiter (Translated by Google) Nothing to say the welcome is really great. frankly a good place to eat and have fun and besides it was my son's birthday. Do not hesitate to visit it

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Suzette DELBE rated on Google

Personnel accueillant, repas copieux et savoureux. (Translated by Google) Friendly staff, hearty and tasty meals.

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Laura Barlote rated on Google

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mezui valentine rated on Google

Trop belle ambiance, la nourriture est très bonne. C'est génial (Translated by Google) Too nice atmosphere, the food is very good. It's awesome

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Filipe Azevedo batiste rated on Google

Voilà l accueil étais chaleureux mets les repas étais bon mets le saumon étais vraiment pas cuit niveau boisson aujourd’hui c estais pas leur truc aujourd’hui très beau restaurant etres grand buffet à volonté (Translated by Google) Here is the welcome was warm, the meals were good, the salmon was really undercooked in terms of the drink today, it was not their thing today, very nice restaurant, there is a large all-you-can-eat buffet.

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Anissa rated on Google

Je recommande endroit propre et accueillant (Translated by Google) I recommend clean and welcoming place

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Beatriz Batista rated on Google

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Sylvie Nicot rated on Google

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Sandra Devadder rated on Google

Super (Translated by Google) Great

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stéphane cloux rated on Google

Large choix de plats. Beaucoup de poissons differents, plein de viande a griller sur place. Bref très sympa (Translated by Google) Wide choice of dishes. Lots of different fish, plenty of meat to grill on site. In short very nice

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Fatah Abdo rated on Google

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Emeline Met rated on Google

Bon restaurant Il y en a pour tous les goûts. Bon accueil (Translated by Google) Good restaurant There is something for every taste. Good welcome

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Leilaines Ghouma rated on Google

Il y a plus de choix je le conseil vivement (Translated by Google) There are more choices I strongly recommend it

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Headshot SWD rated on Google

Très délicieux 😋 (Translated by Google) Very delicious 😋

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Sandrine Grignoux rated on Google

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Айка Магомедова rated on Google

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Bryan Mputu rated on Google

Un peu moins de choix mais toujours aussi bon. Bon accueil (Translated by Google) A little less choice but still just as good. Good welcome

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Crys Costa rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Wonderful super nominate to visit 🤩 (Original) Maravilhoso super indico a visitarem 🤩

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Sarah Hamidi rated on Google

Excellent ! Je recommande à 1000%. Très très bon buffet avec un grand nombre d'entrées variées, des plats de toute sorte, des grillades viandes, poissons fruits de mer légumes, des desserts de toute sorte, une fontaine à chocolat, des bonbons... et le tout halal et à volonté et à prix abordable. Une salle de jeux est à disposition des enfants. Le tout petit moins c'est que tellement que c'est bon les soirs de weekend il y a une attente d'environ 30 min pour avoir une table mais ça vaut vraiment le coup. (Translated by Google) Excellent ! I recommend 1000%. Very very good buffet with a large number of varied starters, dishes of all kinds, grilled meats, fish, seafood, vegetables, desserts of all kinds, a chocolate fountain, sweets... and all halal and at will and at an affordable price. A games room is available for children. The very small minus is that it's so good on weekend evenings there is a wait of about 30 minutes to get a table but it's really worth it.

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Nadine Bailly rated on Google

Nourriture trés variée. Locaux trés propres. Accueil sympathique. Personnel efficient. Je recommande. (Translated by Google) Very varied food. Very clean premises. Friendly welcome. Efficient staff. I recommend.

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diarra souleymane rated on Google

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k M rated on Google

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Karine JACOBI rated on Google

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SAMPEUR Chrystelle rated on Google

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Gaël Repert rated on Google

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Vincent Vignier rated on Google

Non restaurant (Translated by Google) No restaurant

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Adame T rated on Google

Toujours un régal, une halte habituelle pour mon mari, mes 2 enfants et moi même. Large choix, Malheureusement Très fréquenté, victime de son succès. Une petite remarque: indépendante de la gestion du restaurant, je trouve parfois que certains gamins très bruyants et agités dans le restaurant gênent un peu le plaisir. Avis aux parents !! nous le faisons pour les nôtres, donc svp le restaurant n’est pas une cour de récréation✌🏼 (Translated by Google) Always a treat, a usual stopover for my husband, my 2 children and myself. Wide choice, Unfortunately Very busy, victim of its own success. A quick note: Independent of the restaurant management, I sometimes find some very loud and restless kiddies in the restaurant a bit of a hindrance to the enjoyment. Notice to parents!! we do it for ours, so please the restaurant is not a playground✌🏼

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Isa Leprevost rated on Google

Très bien. (Translated by Google) Alright.

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fares Ait Youcef rated on Google


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Mamadou Ndiaye rated on Google

Accueillant sympathique et cool (Translated by Google) Welcoming friendly and cool

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Najat Tarmoul rated on Google

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Ibrahim Dnews rated on Google

Je conseille d'y aller que les weekends car en semaine il n'y a presque rien. Mais si non il est très bon (Translated by Google) I advise to go there only on weekends because during the week there is almost nothing. But if not it is very good

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Julie Fourdachon rated on Google

Nous sommes encore venues ce soir moi et mes enfants et comme toujours très bien reçu même par le vigile de l’entrée!! Beaucoup de choix, le personnel très attentifs et à l’écoute ! Rapport qualité très bien ! Je recommande !! (Translated by Google) We came again this evening me and my children and as always very well received even by the security guard at the entrance!! Lots of choices, very attentive and attentive staff! Very good value for money! I recommend !!

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Louis André Blanc rated on Google

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malicia delice rated on Google

Grand choix de plats. Buffet variés et propre!! Très bon recommande vivement (Translated by Google) Large choice of dishes. Varied and clean buffet!! Very warm welcome....highly recommend

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Siby Mahamadou rated on Google

Super (Translated by Google) Great

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Nicole Joly rated on Google

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Salim Matsa rated on Google

Bonne ambiance familiale (Translated by Google) Good family atmosphere

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Elénora HYPPOLITE rated on Google

Super bon 😋😋 (Translated by Google) Super good 😋😋

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Pascale Gauthier rated on Google

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Foued Chakroun rated on Google

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Bardhyl Koxha rated on Google

Très bien on trouve un peu près de tout pour goûter (Translated by Google) Very good we find almost everything to taste

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Mona M rated on Google

Très bon, dommage que les prix aient augmenté mais malgré ça je recommande ! (Translated by Google) Very good, too bad the prices have gone up but despite that I recommend!

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sandrine offini rated on Google

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Marie Souton rated on Google

Très bon rapport qualité prix. Cuisine diversifiée : chinoise, japonaise, indienne. A volonté. Pour moins de 22€, le week-end et 17€ en semaine. Personnel à l'écoute et réactif. Un flacon de gel hydroalcoolique à chaque table. Très bien. (Translated by Google) Very good value for money. Diversified cuisine: Chinese, Japanese, Indian. At will. For less than 22€, the weekend and 17€ during the week. Attentive and responsive staff. A bottle of hydroalcoholic gel at each table. Alright.

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Sanae MER rated on Google

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Fathi Thabti rated on Google

Un bon resto c un avis d un passager que j avait déposé la bas j ai jamais mangé dedans (Translated by Google) A good restaurant c an opinion from a passenger that I had dropped off there I never ate there

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Akila Zeghough rated on Google

Diversité des plats et approvisionnement constant du buffet. (Translated by Google) Diversity of dishes and constant supply of the buffet.

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Christophe Painchaud rated on Google

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fei lu rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Super many categories (Original) 超级多的分类

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Un Excellent accueil et Magnifique a la fois. A renouvelé ❤️🙏 (Translated by Google) An Excellent welcome and Magnificent at the same time. Renewed ❤️🙏

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Hazal Miran rated on Google

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helene kohn rated on Google

Très bon rt beaucoup choix (Translated by Google) Very good rt many choices

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B2oba YOU rated on Google

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Rosa Parks rated on Google

J'ai très bien mangé mais j'ai vomi car j'ai trop mangé (Translated by Google) I ate very well but I vomited because I ate too much

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Sara A. rated on Google

J'adore Wok, les professionnels sont excellents et il y a beaucoup d'options. (Translated by Google) I love Wok, the professionals are great and there are lots of options.

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kandé gary rated on Google

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manse doho rated on Google

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Virginie Abati rated on Google

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Mohamed Elbekouri rated on Google

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Seb Jochua rated on Google

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Sandy G. rated on Google

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Amandine Raine rated on Google

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Soundousse KD rated on Google

Plats variés et toujours chaud, large choix de suchi, de dessert et de plats asiatique et indiens. Possibilité de créer ses propres wok et de faire ses propres grillades en allant voir les cuisiniers. Petit bémol pour l'atmosphère de la salle le soir en week end, c'est super bruyant du coup pas tout le temps agréable si on reste longtemps. (Translated by Google) Varied and always hot dishes, wide choice of suchi, dessert and Asian and Indian dishes. Opportunity to create your own wok and make your own grills by going to see the cooks. Small flat for the atmosphere of the room in the evening on weekends, it's super noisy suddenly not pleasant all the time if you stay a long time.

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Hr Rk rated on Google

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brice Blanchard rated on Google

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edvan motta da silva rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Man, this restaurant is top, good price, good presentable and you eat as much as you want, it's a show. (Original) Cara esse restaurante é top, bom preço, boa apresentável e vc come a vontade, é show.

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Pascaline Lalune rated on Google

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desire traore rated on Google

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Service Couture rated on Google


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Neo magneticx rated on Google

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Steffy Randrianandrasana rated on Google

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Hamza ASMR rated on Google

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dechezelle claude rated on Google

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Christelle N rated on Google

Accueillant et agréable. (Translated by Google) Welcoming and pleasant.

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Thusi Sabi rated on Google

Superbe restaurant a volonté sur la N7, le choix est immense, il y a meme de la cusine indienne et la qualité des plats est tres bonne. hygiene impeccable. Je recommande les yeux fermés, vous en aurez pour votre argent. (Translated by Google) Superb all-you-can-eat restaurant on the N7, the choice is huge, there is even Indian cuisine and the quality of the dishes is very good. impeccable hygiene. I recommend with your eyes closed, you will get your money's worth.

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asma fall rated on Google

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Chakir El Mahrad rated on Google

Ohh très bien manger mmmmm (Translated by Google) Ohh very well eating mmmmm

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Кристина Ешану rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Great place, delicious food. (Original) Отличное место,вкусная еда.

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Isabelle Saint Pierre rated on Google

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Melissa Soulanges Niagne rated on Google

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Franck Metais rated on Google

Accueil agréable, peu d'attente pour les plats à emporter. Rien de particulier à signaler. (Translated by Google) Pleasant reception, little waiting for takeaway meals. Nothing special to report.

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Lilian Anisim rated on Google

(Translated by Google) A very ok restaurant, with all the tastings, I recommend (Original) Un restaurant foarte ok,cu toate degustările, recomand

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Sergiu Rotaru rated on Google

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KHAN GLACIER rated on Google

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Nadia Aidan rated on Google

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Ikram Faouzi rated on Google

Le meilleure wok pour moi. Un choix très très large de produits et la qualité est top du top contrairement à beaucoup de buffet à volonté. Je recommande vivement (Translated by Google) The best wok for me. A very very wide choice of products and the quality is top notch unlike many all-you-can-eat buffets. I highly recommend

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KHALIL KOUISS rated on Google

Magnifique Super top (Translated by Google) Gorgeous great top

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Ze rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Nickel (Original) Nikl

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Jlurbanphotographe Jr rated on Google

Franchement j'ai été surpris un restaurant vraiment très beau vraiment incroyable la qualité des buffets et des repas est vraiment au top les sièges sont confortables un écran géant et l'équipe est vraiment au top autant les serveuses que les cuisiniers jusqu'à l'agent de sécurité sont vraiment très agréable très accueillant le personnel à l'accueil aussi et très accueillant c'est vraiment très propre habitué a beaucoup de restaurant je suis vraiment surpris et agréablement (Translated by Google) Frankly I was surprised a really beautiful restaurant really incredible the quality of the buffets and meals is really on top the seats are comfortable a giant screen and the team is really on top as much the waitresses as the cooks until the security guard are really very nice very welcoming the staff at the reception too and very welcoming it's really very clean accustomed to a lot of restaurants I am really surprised and pleasantly

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Marie Pastruch rated on Google

Très bien. Beaucoup de choix. Un personnel très accueillant. Merci. (Translated by Google) Very well. A lot of choices. A very welcoming staff. Thanks.

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TONY GAME rated on Google

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Sandra Leclerc rated on Google

Très bien servie et très bon . (Translated by Google) Very well served and very good.

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Daniel De Valmont rated on Google

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Alioune Toure rated on Google

Plat à emporté à 8€ et on met ce que l'on veut dedans pratique le 1midi (Translated by Google) Dish to take away at 8€ and you put what you want in it, practical for lunch

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Fatima A-A rated on Google

Très bon avec beaucoup de choix (Translated by Google) Very good with lots of choices

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Nenad Petkovski rated on Google

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Mustapha Chabane rated on Google

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Steven Louis-jean rated on Google

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Antho 3733 rated on Google

Super (Translated by Google) Great

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Heidy Jao rated on Google

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Karim Oulghazi rated on Google

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Borges Santos Sonia rated on Google

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Aurelie “Aurelingt” Elanez rated on Google

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vandame teixeira rated on Google

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elle c rated on Google

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Charbel Lebbos rated on Google

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beljones rated on Google

Super sympa. Beaucoup beaucoup de choix et c'est très bon (Translated by Google) Really nice. Many many choices and it's very good

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Celia Rubia rated on Google

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Karima Bedri rated on Google

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Jordan Masi rated on Google

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cyril ruet rated on Google

Super chaîne de restauration énormes choix de l'entrée au dessert personnel sympas et pros je recommande on mange très bien seul bémol beaucoup de monde c'est très bruyant (Translated by Google) Super restaurant chain huge choice from starter to dessert friendly and professional staff I recommend we eat very well only downside a lot of people it's very noisy

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Noella Bondacotte rated on Google

Meilleur resto buffet à volonté de l'Essonne Produit frais, service au top, entrée cadré ON Y MANGE BIEN ET BON (Translated by Google) Best all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant in Essonne Fresh product, top service, framed entry WE EAT WELL AND GOOD

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agbefio Tagodoe rated on Google

On y mange très bien (Translated by Google) The food is very tasty there

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Dalila Fariello rated on Google

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Nadia Krifa rated on Google

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lea Bicho rated on Google

Pas déçu comme a chaque fois que j'y vais la nourriture est délicieuse et le personnel accueillant (Translated by Google) Not disappointed as every time I go there the food is delicious and the staff welcoming

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Ruth Malonga rated on Google

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Mickael Noshy rated on Google

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Linda Yanni rated on Google

Excellent rapport qualité prix, I'hygiène est impeccable, les toilettes sont propres. J'y vais une fois par semaine en famille et je n'est jamais était déçu . Il ne faut pas comparer avec le wok de Grigny car ils n'ont rien à voir !!!!! (Translated by Google) Excellent value for money, the hygiene is impeccable, the toilets are clean. I go there once a week with my family and I've never been disappointed. Do not compare with the Grigny wok because they have nothing to do!!!!!

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Nikhil Pawar rated on Google

Celui-ci parmi les meilleurs restaurants buffet à volonté de la région de Parus. J'ai mangé au wok grill Viry Châtillon et aussi à Vitry sur Seine. Mais je préfère le Wok grill Viry Châtillon pour la raison qu'ils maintiennent un environnement super propre et que la nourriture est vraiment très bien faite. En plus de tous les aliments frits et sushis asiatiques, ils ont vraiment les choses suivantes qui sont tout simplement exceptionnelles 1. Cuisine indienne authentique - avec des naans et de nombreuses options de curry qui ont un goût délicieux. Je suis indien et j'ai été surpris par la qualité du pain indien et du biryani que j'ai trouvé dans le wok grill 2. Vous pouvez emporter chez vous une boîte en plastique de nourriture (ce n'est pas une très grande boîte mais elle contiendra certainement le déjeuner pour deux personnes) (Translated by Google) This one of the best all-you-can-eat buffet restaurants in the Parus region. I ate at the wok grill Viry Châtillon and also in Vitry sur Seine. But I prefer Viry Châtillon Wok Grill for the reason that they maintain a super clean environment and the food is really really well done. In addition to all Asian fried food and sushi, they really have the following things which are just outstanding 1. Authentic Indian cuisine - with naans and lots of curry options that taste delicious. I'm Indian and I was surprised by the quality of Indian bread and biryani I found in the wok grill 2. You can take home a plastic box of food (it's not a very big box but it will definitely contain lunch for two people)

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Ursula Saramonde rated on Google

Super restaurant merci pour l'accueil et n arien à voir avec le wok de grigny ça fait des années que j'y vais en famille..... (Translated by Google) Great restaurant thank you for the welcome and nothing to do with the grigny wok I've been going there with my family for years.....

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TheSoultan08 rated on Google

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Nathan Semeny rated on Google

J'ai super bien mangé, beaucoup de choix. J'ai eu un très bon accueil . Petite précision, les propriétaires du Wok Grill n'ont rien à voir avec ceux du pavillon impérial de Grigny. (Translated by Google) I ate very well, lots of choice. I had a very warm welcome. Small precision, the owners of the Wok Grill have nothing to do with those of the imperial pavilion of Grigny.

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Sylvia Rofaell rated on Google

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jean-pierre mpokfuri rated on Google

Bon accueil . Respect des règles sanitaires. Grande salle de restaurant et des menus variés et délicieux. Je recommande. (Translated by Google) Good welcome . Compliance with health rules. Large dining room and varied and delicious menus. I recommend.

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Farid Dahmani rated on Google

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LM BIOBELLINDA rated on Google

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wade fatou khoule rated on Google

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Carole PAUL rated on Google

Restaurant à volonté très grand avec du choix mais un peu bruyant un samedi soir. (Translated by Google) Very large all-you-can-eat restaurant with plenty of choice but a bit noisy on a Saturday evening.

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Guilherme Araujo rated on Google

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Léo K rated on Google

Bien (Translated by Google) GOOD

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Ben Hachim Damdji rated on Google

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francis adan rated on Google

Très propre, très confortable, plats très variés (Translated by Google) Very clean, very comfortable, very varied dishes

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World Of Sahara rated on Google

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mansour mansour rated on Google

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vichharaks ros rated on Google

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Ianja Ravano rated on Google

Bon Bien accueilli A recommander (Translated by Google) Good Well received To recommend

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Ernesto Onesime Markeliny rated on Google


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Leïla MALKI rated on Google

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génésis rosauro rated on Google

L’espace est spacieux beau par contre les crèmes brûlées et sushi sont à revoir (Translated by Google) The space is spacious and beautiful, however the crème brûlée and sushi are to be reviewed

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Christine Awa rated on Google

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diaï Clando rated on Google

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Yan anakin rated on Google

Accueil agréable et les repas simplement excellents (Translated by Google) Pleasant welcome and simply excellent meals

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josy remo rated on Google

Choix très varié du poisson au gogo des crustacés très bon moment partagé entre amis 👍👌 (Translated by Google) Very varied choice of fish galore of shellfish very good time shared with friends 👍👌

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郝俊玲 rated on Google

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Christophe VIALLON rated on Google

Bon copieux, beaucoup de choix. Parfait pour une soirée entre amis avec beaucoup d'appétit. Nb:Ne pas arriver trop tard pour plus de choix car tous les plats ne seront plus disponibles. (Translated by Google) Good filling, lots of choice. Perfect for an evening with friends with a lot of appetite. Nb: Do not arrive too late for more choice because all the dishes will no longer be available.

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The Delaveaus rated on Google

It was absolutely delicious the food was good good i didnt get to take a picture but dont worry upu wont be disappointed

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aly DIAKITE rated on Google

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ait moussa yassine rated on Google

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Pierre Oh rated on Google

C'est pas incroyable mais on en a pour son argent, même si les prix ont augmenté avec le Covid. (Translated by Google) It's not incredible but you get what you pay for, even if the prices have increased with the Covid.

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Kadiatou Fofana rated on Google

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Youcef Bendaoud rated on Google


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Philippe Callas rated on Google

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gheorghe olaru rated on Google

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Estelle Estevan rated on Google

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Loubna Arbi rated on Google

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Ma famille incroyable mais vrai rated on Google

Super y'a vraiment de tout c'est incroyable j'ai jamais vu un wok ou il y as du gigot d'agneau et de la cote de boeuf y'a tellement qu'il faut que je reviennent pour gouter le reste (Translated by Google) Great, there's really everything, it's incredible, I've never seen a wok where there's leg of lamb and rib of beef, there's so much that I have to come back to taste the rest.

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Football Barça rated on Google

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Eileen M. rated on Google

Restaurant bien décoré, nourriture plutôt bonne. Personnel très sympathique et avenant. (Translated by Google) Well decorated restaurant, pretty good food. Very friendly and accommodating staff.

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Keo 13 rated on Google

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nazette 91 rated on Google

Très bon ya pas mal de choix parcontre les boisson un peu cher comme même a refaire (Translated by Google) Very good, there's a lot of choice, but the drinks are a bit expensive, even if you have to do it again.

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Mickaël Marie rated on Google

L'intérieur est magnifique, les aliments sont succulent et la grillade est parfaite (j'ai goûté la majorité des viandes et je les ai toute apprécié, je recommande grandement l'escalope de poulet) Le personnel est rapide et efficace pour débarrasser (Translated by Google) The interior is beautiful, the food is succulent and the grill is perfect (I tasted most of the meats and I enjoyed them all, I highly recommend the chicken cutlet) The staff is quick and efficient in clearing

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Abdelhak Kendy rated on Google

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Ouali Toudert rated on Google

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Denis C Moi rated on Google

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Djceejay971 rated on Google

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Carla Oliveira rated on Google

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Rose Rosa rated on Google

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the grand coeur claudia rated on Google

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Stéphane Doyon rated on Google

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Nadia Jabbar rated on Google

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Nassim Setti rated on Google

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Ulrich Tostain rated on Google

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vahudin fazlijevic rated on Google

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Valerie Roineau rated on Google

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Saloumata rated on Google

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Pedro Fernandez rated on Google

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aminata traore rated on Google

Super accueil et les plats étaient vraiment bons🥰🥰🥰 (Translated by Google) Great welcome and the dishes were really good 🥰🥰🥰

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nail Iris rated on Google

C’est super bon! (Translated by Google) It's so good!

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Delgado Vanya rated on Google

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Dalila Ait hamou rated on Google

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Hilda Patat rated on Google

Restaurant agréable (Translated by Google) Pleasant restaurant

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Najat Ikary rated on Google

J'aime beaucoup, très propre et délicieux. Serveurs et Serveuses à l'écoute et aux petits soins. Bruyant part contre mais c'est normal resto qui a du succès donc beaucoup de clientèles. (Translated by Google) I like it very much, very clean and delicious. Waiters and Waitresses listening and caring. Noisy on the other hand but it's normal restaurant which is successful so many customers.

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Soukaina Zoubiri rated on Google

Je recommande les yeux fermées, le personnel est au top, énormément de choix au buffet et la qualité est présente 👌🏼 Merci pour votre professionnalisme 👏🏼 (Translated by Google) I recommend with my eyes closed, the staff is on top, a lot of choice at the buffet and the quality is present 👌🏼 Thank you for your professionalism 👏🏼

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SEKOU HAIDARA rated on Google

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Rayane Benjedim rated on Google

Excellent restaurant, très bien accueillie très propre. Je recommande 👍🏼 (Translated by Google) Excellent restaurant, very well received very clean. I recommend 👍🏼

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belaid haroun rated on Google

Très très bon, un service irréprochable, des produits de qualité et un énorme choix. Je recommande 😁😁 (Translated by Google) Very very good, impeccable service, quality products and a huge choice. I recommend 😁😁

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Achraf Zoubiri rated on Google

Très bon restaurant, un accueil sympathique et beaucoup de choix dans la nourriture, je recommande ! (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant, a friendly welcome and a lot of choice in food, I recommend!

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ROBERT TREBOR rated on Google

Délicieuse! (Translated by Google) Delicious!

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Louis Louis rated on Google

Très bonne qualité, et beaucoup beaucoup de choix pour tous les goûts. Je recommande ! (Translated by Google) Very good quality, and many many choices for all tastes. I recommend !

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Romuald Chaput rated on Google

Toujours la qualité et le service De bon plats qui vous font voyager Et surtout un superbe accueil ; des patrons aussi superbes (Translated by Google) Always quality and service Good dishes that make you travel And above all a superb welcome; such awesome patterns

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Aurel Marin Tyioran rated on Google

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Hassane Hass rated on Google

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Melanie Cauchard rated on Google

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bois d'argent rated on Google

Très bon restaurant (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant

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Michael rated on Google

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Naourés Joobeur rated on Google

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mohamed reda Ballaghe rated on Google

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Singh Adrien rated on Google

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Kelly Gouvenot rated on Google

Jamais déçu ! Cela fait plusieurs fois que je commande dans ce restaurant tjrs bon ! Rien à dire. Vivement qu on puisse le tester à domicile ! (Translated by Google) Never disappointed! I have ordered from this restaurant several times, it is always good! Nothing to say. Hopefully we can test it at home!

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Christophe VIRION rated on Google

Toujours aussi bon (Translated by Google) Still as good

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Virginie Compain rated on Google

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Mohamed Issolah rated on Google

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Anaïs LAVINAY rated on Google

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Mourad SMAHI rated on Google

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Milena Oliveira rated on Google

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Rachide Bekri rated on Google

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Hicran Lefort rated on Google

Super service et délicieux (Translated by Google) Great service and delicious

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Traore Honorine rated on Google

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Miguel Soares Sandra rated on Google

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Anne Marie FRANCOIS rated on Google

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Aurélie A rated on Google

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Assia P. rated on Google

Bien que ce ne soit plus du « à volonté » vu les restrictions sanitaires actuelles, le click and collect est parfait ! J’ai passé commande via le site en indiquant un horaire de passage pour récupérer ma commande et tout était bien emballé, servi généreusement comme tjrs ! Merci encore à l’équipe ! (Translated by Google) Although it's no longer "all you can eat" given the current health restrictions, click and collect is perfect! I placed an order via the site, indicating a schedule to pick up my order and everything was well packaged, generously served as always! Thanks again to the team!

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Arno Bosc rated on Google

Préparation rapide juste avant le couvre feu ! toujours aussi bon :) (Translated by Google) Quick preparation just before curfew! still as good :)

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Soumaya Bougherara rated on Google

Très satisfaite 😉😉😉😉 (Translated by Google) Very satisfied 😉😉😉😉

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Frank Alauzen rated on Google

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Solène Moreau rated on Google

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Patience Mawaka rated on Google

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Snake Panda rated on Google

Super bien manger. (Translated by Google) Eating very well.

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Jeremy Naviliat rated on Google

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Lesline Maitrel rated on Google

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Severine Lafosse rated on Google

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Claire Pusel rated on Google

Super comme toujours ! (Translated by Google) Great as always!

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Kamel Cherifi rated on Google

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Chouaib LAKHLEF rated on Google

très convivial (Translated by Google) very friendly

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fabrice barthel rated on Google

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caroline colombo rated on Google

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Blachas Julien rated on Google

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philippe lamy rated on Google

Tres organisé, respectueux des normes COVID,personnel sympathique et disponible. Buffet copieux,dommage un peu froid. (Translated by Google) Very organized, respectful of COVID standards, friendly and available staff. Rich buffet, too bad a little cold.

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Fatoumaka rated on Google

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walde cha3be rated on Google

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Faye Mosny rated on Google

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Diana Minssieux-Kodjo rated on Google

Très bon wok proposant un large choix de plats variés. A consommer sur place ou à emporter. (Translated by Google) Very good wok offering a wide choice of varied dishes. To eat on the spot or to take away.

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Abdelghafour Stitouane rated on Google

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M rated on Google

Accueil irréprochable, plats variés, gouteux et équilibrés. Je donne 5 étoiles. (Translated by Google) Impeccable welcome, varied, tasty and balanced dishes. I give 5 stars.

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Jean Philippe Lenormand rated on Google

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Bassy rated on Google

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Bouchra NASSIRI rated on Google


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sym69 rated on Google

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Faouzi Bey rated on Google

Super (Translated by Google) Great

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Khady TOURE rated on Google

Parfait (Translated by Google) Perfect

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Rachelle Matseraka Brom rated on Google

Entrée limité en terme de choix. En revanche pour le wok plein de choix au niveaux crustacés, mais trop cuit les nouilles. Il y a des grillades et dessert aussi variés en fruits glace gâteau.... (Translated by Google) Entry limited in terms of choice. On the other hand for the wok full of choice in terms of shellfish, but the noodles are overcooked. There are grilled meats and desserts as varied as fruit ice cream cake....

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Gwendoline Chouakria rated on Google

Très beaux restaurant, Personnels sympathique Grands choix au niveaux du buffet , endroit très propre , Vivement que j'y retourne (Translated by Google) Very nice restaurant, friendly staff Great choices at the buffet level, very clean place, I wish I would go back there

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bourenane khermane rated on Google

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rachida Mehdaoui rated on Google

Restaurant chinois au top... A volonté comme partout.... Très propre et agréable... (Translated by Google) Chinese restaurant at the top ... At will as everywhere .... Very clean and pleasant ...

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Bruno ****** rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix et de la qualité ce qui rare habituellement dans les autres restaurants à volonté. Je vous le recommande (Translated by Google) Lots of choice and quality which is usually rare in other all-you-can-eat restaurants. I recommend it

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annis moundir rated on Google

C est mon restaurant préféré avec bonne service (Translated by Google) This is my favorite restaurant with good service

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Djamila Ayad rated on Google

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Joëlle Pezet rated on Google

J ai adoré ce lieu très propre très respectueux des gestes contre le covid (Translated by Google) I loved this very clean place very respectful of gestures against covid

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Claude Labbé rated on Google

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Sofiane Djema rated on Google

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Habib Dia rated on Google

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Alexandre rated on Google


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Halii Vazii bref rated on Google

Nombreux choix (Translated by Google) Many choices

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Red Red rated on Google

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Marie Fils rated on Google

J'y vais souvent ! Grand buffet... Très bon ! (Translated by Google) I go there often ! Large buffet... Very good!

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LariAD rated on Google

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Brigitte Mpondo rated on Google

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Valentin Balesdent rated on Google

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Rosiiana Fedorova rated on Google

Personnelle très chaleureux (Translated by Google) Very warm personal

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helvella crispa0416 rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Nice to meet you!! The price of the menu is very comfortable, the quality of the food excellent, the attention of the staff in general very good, they have very good decoration, a large screen to watch sporting events and nice decoration. (Original) Encantada!! El precio del menú muy cómodo, la calidad de la comida excelente, la atención del personal en general muy buena, tienen muy buena decoración, pantalla grande para ver los eventos deportivos y linda decoración.

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christiane dussiel rated on Google

Excellent accueil Gestes barrières respectés Grandes variétés de produits et desserts. (Translated by Google) Great welcome Barrier gestures respected Wide variety of products and desserts.

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Soukayna El Gabas rated on Google

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Jorlaane ._ rated on Google

Tres bon propre mais trop chers (Translated by Google) Very good clean but too expensive

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Weway rated on Google

J'ai adoré (Translated by Google) I loved

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Micheal Rosen rated on Google

Great quality food, best buffet I've ever tried not just in France but in several countries I have lived, really great and the price is perfect.

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Carmita Fortes rated on Google

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Agnès SOMME rated on Google

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Frédérique Nanton rated on Google

Énormément de choix niveau des dessert, restaurant au top, accueil très chaleureux 😀 (Translated by Google) Huge choice of desserts, top restaurant, very warm welcome 😀

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soufiane ben rated on Google

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Audrey Lechatellier rated on Google

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Salvatore Griva rated on Google

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Elena Maluda rated on Google

Superbe 👍👍👍 (Translated by Google) Superb 👍👍👍

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Veronique Virginie rated on Google

J'ai passé un bon moment le vigile est très accueillant, bon petit resto à volonté pas loin de chez soi je ne dirai pas que c'est le meilleur mais on s'y sent bien et niveau hygiène ils sont bien. (Translated by Google) I had a good time, the security guard is very welcoming, a good little all-you-can-eat restaurant not far from home, I wouldn't say it's the best, but you feel good there and they're good for hygiene.

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Sami .F rated on Google

J'y suis aller avec ma meuf wallah c'était grave bon ! Si t'as la dalle vas y tu vas te mettre bien ! (Translated by Google) I went there with my girl wallah it was seriously good! If you have the slab go there you will get well!

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virginie bennabi rated on Google


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Gypsie Sanni rated on Google

Comme D'habitude toujours aussi bon. Cependant le vigile est tellement plus accueillant que le personnel!! Chapeau pour la gentillesse et professionnalisme du vigile👍 (Translated by Google) As usual still good. However the security guard is so much more welcoming than the staff!! Hats off to the kindness and professionalism of the security guard 👍

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Labrity Awyso rated on Google

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Karine Hipolito rated on Google

Au top (Translated by Google) In the top

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Luis Pereira Claro rated on Google

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Françoise Plana rated on Google

Voilà un wok qui a bien profité du covid pour revoir sa copie. Beaucoup plus de distance entre les tables donc moins de bruit. Une très nette amélioration sur la qualité des produits. Une gestion de l accueil avec gel et gant. Et une amabilité réelle. Vraiment un bon wok à volonté. (Translated by Google) Here's a wok that took advantage of the covid to review its copy. Much more distance between the tables so less noise. A very clear improvement in the quality of the products. Reception management with gel and glove. And genuine friendliness. Really good all-you-can-eat wok.

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René-serge BARDOCHAN rated on Google

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Rachel Grn rated on Google

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Tenzin Yungdung rated on Google

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Hermine Desvarieux rated on Google

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nadia belajraf rated on Google

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Світлана Гораховська rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Superrrrr!!! (Original) Суперрррр!!!

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Shaiymah Miss algeria rated on Google

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Institut MALAC et MALAC SHOP rated on Google

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Banny Mdn rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix de qualité et surtout pour ce qui apprécie les produits Marine (langouste,crevettes etc) car cher en général (Translated by Google) Many choices of quality and especially for those who appreciate marine products (lobster, shrimps etc) because expensive in general

Review author photo Beuvin rated on Google

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Mohamed salah Zgaia rated on Google

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Wiss Maoui rated on Google

Je me suis régalé en sortie familiale (Translated by Google) I had a great time on a family outing

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SERGY BOUDHOUA rated on Google

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Leandro Santos rated on Google

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Nadia Bouchebel rated on Google

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Sarata Drame rated on Google

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Provi B rated on Google

Comme d'habitude ça ne change pas, toujours aussi bon et agréable d'y aller (Translated by Google) As usual it does not change, always as good and pleasant to go there

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DEUS VULT rated on Google

Excellente hygiène vis à vis des mesures prises pour le deconfinement. Un accueil chaleureux et agréable un personnel serviable et généreux, qui vis à vis des commandes à emporter laisse le client se faire plaisir. De grandes quantités pour pas cher, on est sûrs de bien y manger. Je recommande fortement. (Translated by Google) Excellent hygiene with regard to the measures taken for deconfinement. A warm and pleasant welcome, a helpful and generous staff, who, with regard to take-out orders, let the customer indulge himself. Large quantities for cheap, we are sure to eat well. I highly recommend.

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Holrich nkenfack rated on Google

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Patricia Faisant rated on Google

Un peu déçu mais cela reste un lieu agréable (Translated by Google) A little disappointed but it's still a nice place

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Sonkona Coulibaly rated on Google

Personnel accueillant et chaleureux (Translated by Google) Warm and welcoming staff

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Andrei Manea rated on Google

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Kety Salmier rated on Google

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Mael Fustec rated on Google

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abdelbasset cherradi rated on Google

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Camilo Jaimes rated on Google

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Brigitte LE CALVEZ rated on Google

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Johanna Tite rated on Google

Très aimable Et très propre Bon accueil (Translated by Google) Very kind And very clean Good welcome

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jean-louis picoche rated on Google

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corinne douan rated on Google

Propre buffet varié et riche en produits un festival de plats et de desserts... (Translated by Google) Own buffet varied and rich in products a festival of dishes and desserts...

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B. Sam rated on Google

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julia elena ioana vortolomei rated on Google

C'est l'endroit le plus propre et le plus bon (Translated by Google) This is the cleanest and nicest place

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Soizic Guillou-Surest rated on Google

Restaurant propre. Accueil chaleureux et toujours souriant. Un des seuls restaurants où j'emmène mes enfants. Le buffet est bien organisé et les prix abordables. On y trouve les basiques (nems, bouchées vapeur, samoussas, riz cantonnais, nouilles..) mais aussi des nouveautés de temps en temps (des aumônières de légumes une fois, des croquettes au fromage...). Des plats adaptés aux plus petits. Des tables pour toutes les tailles de tablée. Je vous conseille le turbo... 😋 Un petit espace avec des jeux pour les petits et les plus grands permettent de terminer le repas entre adultes sans être persécuté...😉 (Translated by Google) Clean restaurant. Warm welcome and always smiling. One of the only restaurants where I take my children. The buffet is well organized and the prices affordable. You can find the basics (spring rolls, steamed bites, samosas, fried rice, noodles, etc.) but also new things from time to time (vegetable purses once, cheese croquettes, etc.). Dishes suitable for the little ones. Tables for all table sizes. I recommend the turbo... 😋 A small space with games for young and old allows you to finish the meal between adults without being persecuted...😉

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Alex rated on Google

Super restaurant un accueil très sympathique, chaleureux et souriant des l'entrée, un immense choix de produit (nourriture asiatique forcément, fuit de mer, mais aussi de dessert) un très bon restaurant que je recommande fortement ! (Translated by Google) Super restaurant a very friendly, warm and smiling welcome from the entrance, a huge choice of products (Asian food necessarily, seafood, but also dessert) a very good restaurant that I highly recommend!

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Golden Flower rated on Google

Un restaurant buffet à volonté situé en bordure de la route nationale 7 (RN 7), disposant d'un petit parking devant une salle, elle, grande et à la décoration riche et colorée On y retrouve l"ensemble des plats proposés par les restaurants du genre : nems, sushi, maki, nouilles sautées, etc. La salle étant grande, il y a donc beaucoup de tables disponibles : Pratique pour les groupes et les employés de la zone d'activités voisine, qui peuvent donc goûter et apprécier plusieurs plats dans une certaine convivialité ☺ L'intégralité de la salle se situant sur un seul niveau, pas d'escaliers à monter ou descendre, donc. .Pratique pour les personnes âgées 👍👍👍👍👍. Par contre, le self service et le comptoir de caisse risquent d'être un peu hauts pour les personnes en fauteuil roulant 😢. Et l'accès en transports en commun risque aussi d'être laborieux, vu le trottoir menant au restaurant : étroit et usé 😰😕 (Translated by Google) An all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant located along the national road 7 (RN 7), with a small car park in front of a large room with rich and colorful decoration It contains all the dishes offered by restaurants of the genre: spring rolls, sushi, maki, fried noodles, etc. The room is large, so there are many tables available: Convenient for groups and employees in the area of neighboring activities, who can therefore taste and appreciate several dishes in a certain conviviality ☺ The entire room is on one level, so there are no stairs to go up or down. .Convenient for the elderly 👍👍👍👍👍. On the other hand, self-service and the cash counter may be a little high for people in wheelchairs 😢. And access by public transport is also likely to be laborious, given the sidewalk leading to the restaurant: narrow and worn 😰😕

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Ivan Lekic rated on Google

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Hélène Dabo rated on Google

Nous sommes allés pour la première fois dans ce resto en famille et nous avons été épatés ! Tres bon accueil, tout le personnel très souriant. Nous avons été étonnés de la qualité et de la variété des plats ! Il y a vraiment de tout et tout est bon, jusqu'aux desserts !.On s'est tous régalés avec ce buffet à volonté ! Nous y retournons, c'est sûr ! (Translated by Google) We went for the first time in this restaurant with family and we were amazed! Very warm welcome, all the staff very smiling. We were amazed at the quality and variety of the dishes! There really is everything and everything is good, right down to the desserts! We all enjoyed this all-you-can-eat buffet! We are going back, that's for sure!

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ZIZOU 91 rated on Google

C un bon resto très propore (Translated by Google) It's a good restaurant very clean

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Jeannick Elisa rated on Google

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Delphine Aimé rated on Google

Super beau et bon (Translated by Google) Super nice and good

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KANNEL ZEPICES rated on Google

Restaurant qui mérite amplement les 5 étoiles.Lieux très spacieux et personnel très accueillant et à l'écoute...Un buffet bien garni de l'entrée au dessert.Belle découverte (Translated by Google) Restaurant that fully deserves the 5 stars. Very spacious places and very welcoming and attentive staff... A well-stocked buffet from starter to dessert. Nice discovery

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amine mansour rated on Google

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Boualem BALEH rated on Google

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AYCO DRINK rated on Google

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manou durier rated on Google

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XioRun rated on Google

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Justine Jouanel rated on Google

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Ying Wu rated on Google

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Dave Es rated on Google

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Michelle Leroy rated on Google

La nourriture est de bonne qualité et fraîche, vu au grand débit de clients. Personnel très aimable . L'établissement est propre. J'y vais assez souvent. (Translated by Google) The food is of good quality and fresh, given the large flow of customers. Very friendly staff. The establishment is clean. I go there quite often.

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Yves et Lili Hebert rated on Google

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Ryad ISSA rated on Google

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Sophie Laurent rated on Google

Tres bon et très bien (Translated by Google) very good and very good

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Valérie CARRIERE rated on Google

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dy dy rated on Google

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Davit Bedia rated on Google

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Florian Langlois rated on Google

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Sergiu Revenco rated on Google


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Myriam Kone rated on Google

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Maya El-Madjid rated on Google

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denis vallet rated on Google

Pas mal de choix (Translated by Google) Not a bad choice

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Larbi Tibourtte rated on Google

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m m rated on Google


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Lucas Mld rated on Google

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keixxy_is _cxte rated on Google

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Cecilia Brahmi rated on Google

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Anais Bignet rated on Google

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Maëlla Vang rated on Google

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A Google User rated on Google

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Elyne Serres rated on Google

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Laglace Ice rated on Google

Bien bon accueillant (Translated by Google) Very good welcoming

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François PACOT rated on Google

Repas sur le pouce mais avec des buffets à volonté et un repas à prix sympa pour le midi (Translated by Google) Meals on the go but with all-you-can-eat buffets and a meal at a nice price for lunch

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Aurore Bugeaud rated on Google

Très bon accueil. Produits frais pour le wok et personnel à l'écoute. Les buffets sont simplement bien garnis de bons produits ! (Translated by Google) Very nice home. Fresh products for the wok and attentive staff. The buffets are simply well stocked with good products!

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Mélanie MENERVILLE rated on Google

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Chantal Aish rated on Google

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Віталій Вівюрко rated on Google

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Nico Bob rated on Google

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parfait tshibanda rated on Google

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Grigore Donoaga rated on Google


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mostefa toufik rated on Google

Extra top

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Jose Moreno rated on Google

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leslie kouomo rated on Google

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mizane sohib rated on Google

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Guylene Cantinol rated on Google

Le seule problème que j'ai eu cest qu'on a pas vouli me chauffet mes tourteaux a la sauces piquante. Je vois pas ou est le problème on chauffe ry on met da s la sauce piquante eh ho me tour esy jourt ry cest super bon. (Translated by Google) The only problem I had was that they didn't want to heat my cakes with spicy sauces. I don't see where the problem is, we heat it up and put it in the hot sauce, well, it's really good.

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n chu rated on Google

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Marianne Lavasier rated on Google

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Nekururu rated on Google

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nono arno rated on Google

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The Tourist rated on Google

Ce wok a plusieurd choix en terme de nourriture, que ça soit pour l'entrée, plats ou même les déserts, contrairement ax boissons, le choix est très limité. Il s'agit principalement des boissons de mauvaise qu Ali. On dirait du sirop avec l'eau. L'ambiance est bonne, le personnel est bien. Les prix ont légèrement augmentés. Le soir il reste ouvert jusqu'à 23h. ATTENTION aux transports en commun DANS LA RÉGION ! LE RER D n'est pas toujours au rendez-vous. (Translated by Google) This wok has several choices in terms of food, whether for starters, main courses or even deserts, unlike ax drinks, the choice is very limited. This is mainly bad qu Ali drinks. Looks like syrup with the water. The atmosphere is good, the staff is good. Prices have increased slightly. In the evening it remains open until 11 p.m. BEWARE of public transport IN THE REGION! RER D is not always there.

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Joseph Assiadan rated on Google

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Evie Speir rated on Google

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Adnan Foufa rated on Google

Super. Réception, attention, qualité sur tous les plans. A recommander. (Translated by Google) Great. Reception, attention, quality on all fronts. To recommend.

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sarani saran rated on Google

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Samira Hadj rated on Google

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DGR north west rated on Google

Great food and losds of choice

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Mariem ABICHOU rated on Google

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Aida Diallo rated on Google

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Francesco Prencipe rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Great buffet .. good products (Original) Gran bel buffet.. buoni prodotti

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KaeoMilan Lechevalier rated on Google

Super il y a de tout (Translated by Google) Great there is everything

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Djam Djam rated on Google

Très bo restaurant beaucoup de choix j'y retournerai (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant a lot of choice I will return

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René Sika rated on Google

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Julie MUSAU rated on Google

Un service diversifié et conforme (Translated by Google) A diversified and compliant service

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Cheddine Ontsouka rated on Google

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Yacine Cisse rated on Google

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Mohammed Ajaj rated on Google

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Regina Diomande rated on Google

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EMERANCIENNE Sandrine rated on Google

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Julia Rougette rated on Google

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KANE kardiatou rated on Google

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Hisham MAGHRAOUI rated on Google

Endroit très agréable idéal pour manger en famille ou entre amis/collègues. Viande de très bonne qualité ainsi que le poisson et les produits de mer. (Translated by Google) Very pleasant place ideal for eating with family or friends/colleagues. Very good quality meat as well as fish and seafood.

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Alessio Gloria Christe rated on Google

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Gary daouda rated on Google

bonne accueil bien manger (Translated by Google) good welcome eat well

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Holy Holy rated on Google

Très bien reçu, service impeccable (Translated by Google) Very well received, impeccable service

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ESTEBAN rated on Google

J adore. Propre, beaucoup de choix. Il ne faut pas y aller tard . Car beaucoup de monde mais c sympa (Translated by Google) I like. Clean, lots of choices. Don't go late. Because a lot of people but it's nice

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Mounir rated on Google

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Antoine Soy rated on Google

Toujours aussi sympathique de venir manger ici. Venez tôt ! (Translated by Google) Always so nice to eat here. Come early!

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Tanguy LEJEUNE rated on Google

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Xavier Lievin rated on Google

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nathalie Aristor rated on Google

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gringo 13 rated on Google

Parfait pour un repas à plusieurs grandes salles et buffet assez variés. (Translated by Google) Perfect for a meal with several large rooms and quite varied buffet.

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Patrick Mendes rated on Google

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Sefo Khayat rated on Google

Le restaurant est immense très beau, il y a un très large choix dans le buffet. Il y en a pour tous les goûts : chinois , japonais, vietnamien, des fruits de mer, du wok, un buffet de dessert énorme. Les plats et les goûts sont bons pour un prix très modeste, je recommande (Translated by Google) The restaurant is huge, very beautiful, there is a very wide choice in the buffet. There is something for everyone: Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, seafood, wok, a huge dessert buffet. The dishes and tastes are good for a very modest price, I recommend

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Ananke Pothin rated on Google

Le meilleurs restaurants Asiatique a volonté de tout les temps 😏 et en plus hallal (Translated by Google) The best all-you-can-eat Asian restaurants of all time 😏 and more halal

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Meryem Caliskan rated on Google

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Thomas scott rated on Google

Great food. The boss man speaks English and is very professional like all the staff. Need a Wok in the UK. Bonsoir et merci pour le tres bon service.

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Késsy Gacha rated on Google

Magnifique en famille mm si je trouve ça un peu cher pour les goss. (Translated by Google) Magnificent in family mm if I find that a little expensive for the kids.

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Tarek Abdelaziz rated on Google

Nice quality and variations

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Regis Parmentier rated on Google

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kamyy kamelya rated on Google

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Pascal Bertrand rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix, salle très grande, voire trop grande (Translated by Google) Many choices, room very large, even too large

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Mehdi rated on Google

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Ndeye Seynabou SAKHO rated on Google

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marie claire rated on Google

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NADEGE PAUTRET rated on Google

Bonne accueil. Très bon (Translated by Google) Good reception. Very good

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indira ben Oumar rated on Google

C'était génial (Translated by Google) It was awesome

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Hugo Piedade rated on Google

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Brigitte Eon rated on Google

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Mabrouk Kherief rated on Google

Formidable manger a gogo sans limite s (Translated by Google) Great eating without limits

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ryck arbak rated on Google

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Caro Diatta rated on Google

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Liouns rated on Google

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Da Silva Sonia rated on Google

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Vladimir Hatchy rated on Google

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Maher Bel rated on Google

Je me rend souvent dans cet établissement et je ne suis pratiquement jamais déçu a part pour les dessert en tous genres qui sont pour moi pas très frais et meme les fruits frais sont a évité mais sinon le buffet est top le wok super. (Translated by Google) I often go to this establishment and I am hardly ever disappointed except for the desserts of all kinds which are not very fresh for me and even fresh fruit is avoided but otherwise the buffet is top notch, the wok is great.

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Maria Riznic rated on Google

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Marcio Moniz Semedo rated on Google

Je connaissais pas, plutôt pas mal (Translated by Google) I didn't know, pretty good

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Abdel Aissa rated on Google

le samedi soir y'a bcq de monde et ça prouve que c pas mal. 1 des meilleurs buffet a volonté !!! (Translated by Google) on Saturday evening there are a lot of people and that proves that it's not bad. 1 of the best all-you-can-eat buffet!!!

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Louis Moreau rated on Google

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Phil ARNO rated on Google

On mange bien varié pas cher (Translated by Google) We eat well varied inexpensively

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fabrice diokri rated on Google

On y mange a volonté des plats asiatique. Faudra venir avec une faim de loup les weekends car le droit d'entrée est environ 20 contrairement au autres jours qui est de 12 Euro. (Translated by Google) You can eat Asian dishes at will. You will have to come hungry on weekends because the entrance fee is around 20 euros, unlike the other days which is 12 Euros.

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jean-dominique Villefroy rated on Google

Très grand choix de plats , à des prix raisonnables . (Translated by Google) Very large selection of dishes at reasonable prices.

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Yann PIERRE-LOUIS rated on Google

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lemqaddem karim rated on Google

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Rachida Sekkil rated on Google

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SASHî * rated on Google

Restaurant à volonté bon et frais (Translated by Google) Good and fresh all-you-can-eat restaurant

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Andreea Beniamina Suldac rated on Google

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MATHIOS987 Gameur rated on Google

Super sympa divers plats de l'espace entre les tables (Translated by Google) Super nice various dishes from the space between the tables

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Nor Eddine rated on Google

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Cupp Cake rated on Google

Propre rapide bon (Translated by Google) clean fast good

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izi_ 94 rated on Google

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Frederic Vagenheim rated on Google

Lots of very good food from all over Asia

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Mathieu Colin rated on Google

Nourriture de qualité (Translated by Google) Quality food

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Bigs Ours rated on Google

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Alexander Discovan rated on Google

This place is heaven for everyone stomach out there. Go eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. And eat some more.

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Carlos Da Silva rated on Google

Parfait (Translated by Google) Perfect

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Hassina Guerra rated on Google

Large choix des produits ,très bon accueil, (Translated by Google) Wide choice of products, very warm welcome,

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Bilal Boumaza rated on Google

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Cisss S. rated on Google

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Henricka Judor rated on Google

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Ludovic Zephir rated on Google

Vraiment pas mal (Translated by Google) Really not bad

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Anzoumana Toure rated on Google

C était super (Translated by Google) It was great

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Loulou Mabrouk rated on Google

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Bineta Diakite rated on Google

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Alexis Chambert rated on Google

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Brandon Nim rated on Google

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A B rated on Google

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Anne Aymone Sess rated on Google

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bonbon 94 rated on Google

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Lynda lyn rated on Google

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Hassana Chouchou rated on Google

Super (Translated by Google) Great

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stephane maheux rated on Google

Top on peut y venir a beaucoup il y a de quoi s'en mettre plein de bide (Translated by Google) Top we can come there a lot there is enough to put a lot of belly

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Marie LEITAO rated on Google

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Saïdina Magoma Antoissi rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix (Translated by Google) A lot of choices

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Aicha Ascofare rated on Google

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Sarah Debka rated on Google

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Gilles Sindila Cardorelle rated on Google

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DRIX 91 rated on Google

Connu grâce à l'application Toogoodtogo, très bonne nourriture. Ai voulu tester sur place le buffet à volonté, mais impossible d'accéder un samedi soir sans RDV, à 20 heures, plus de 30 personnes attendant dans le hall d'accueil. Réservation obligatoire donc. (Translated by Google) Known from Toogoodtogo app, very good food. I wanted to test the all-you-can-eat buffet on site, but I couldn't get there on a Saturday evening without an appointment, at 8 p.m., more than 30 people waiting in the reception hall. Reservation required.

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nadia Hk rated on Google

Delicieux (Translated by Google) Delicious

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Rodrigue Arenate rated on Google

Parfait (Translated by Google) Perfect

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Yves Guillot rated on Google

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Bruno Castro alves rated on Google

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Skiinny Giirl rated on Google

Je vous recommande surtout pour votre anniversaire 👌🏽 (Translated by Google) I recommend you especially for your birthday 👌🏽

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Nas SOILIHI rated on Google

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chantal veber rated on Google

Tres bon accueil. Délicieux (Translated by Google) Very nice home. Delicious

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Lorena Pedraza rated on Google

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Maxime Bruet rated on Google

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Abdesslam MAGHRAOUI rated on Google

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Thierry Cozzolino rated on Google

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Flávio Pereira rated on Google

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Marc Joubin rated on Google

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Joris ATOHOUN rated on Google

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Mimie B rated on Google

Toujours aussi bien et bon malgré le monde qui à toujours. (Translated by Google) Always so good and good despite the world that always.

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Alina Bîlici rated on Google


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Ayufkhan Bachirkhan rated on Google

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Magali Albertelli rated on Google

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Mali Koné rated on Google

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Gotten rated on Google

L'un des meilleurs buffet à volonté (Translated by Google) One of the best all you can eat buffet

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n'guessan melissa rated on Google

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Meg Tra rated on Google

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Kukla Rena rated on Google

It was delicious,, conformable,, helpful... Wwaawww

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Grâce Hj rated on Google

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Niamé Kante rated on Google

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Stephanie Stephenson rated on Google

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Yacine Benbrahim rated on Google

au top l'un des meilleurs restaurant wok (Translated by Google) at the top one of the best wok restaurant

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Stella Michelin rated on Google

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Theo Dgn rated on Google

Restaurant à volonté qui propose une grande palette de choix de nourriture. L'ambiance y est agréable malgré le bruit mais cela est dû a sa renommée car beaucoup de monde y vient. Le service y est agréable. (Translated by Google) All-you-can-eat restaurant that offers a wide range of food choices. The atmosphere is pleasant despite the noise but this is due to its reputation because many people come there. The service there is nice.

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Killian Cordon rated on Google

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Валерий Рябоконь rated on Google

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Angie Johnson rated on Google

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Helene Caquant rated on Google

Très spacieux et lumineux jolie décoration. Grand choix de plats propres et bons. (Translated by Google) Very spacious and bright nice decoration. Large selection of clean and good food.

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Khaled Tamizi rated on Google

If you would like to be happy just go there

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Mamoudou Dillom rated on Google

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New Bastring rated on Google

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sebastien dupuis rated on Google

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RaptorYoshi rated on Google

J'ai du faire 2, ou 3 Wok et honnetement celui ci et pas mal dutout, large choix de plat asiatique nouilles, riz thaï, poulpe etc.. en passant aussi par les frite, burger, pizza, aile de poulet epicer et ce qui me plait le plus ces le coté grill ou il ya pas mal de choix et tres bon, il ya le coter wok aussi, un coter "maki sushi" huitres, et le dernier le coter Dessert avec une fontaines de chocolat, 19,90 le soir en week end et 18,90 le soir le reste de la semaine. Pour les bon mangeurs (Translated by Google) I had to make 2, or 3 Wok and honestly this one and not bad at all, wide choice of Asian noodles, Thai rice, octopus etc.. also passing through fries, burger, pizza, spicy chicken wing and so on. which I like the most, the grill side where there are a lot of choices and very good, there is also the wok side, an oyster "maki sushi" side, and the last side, the Dessert side with a chocolate fountain, 19.90 in the evening on weekends and 18.90 in the evening the rest of the week. For good eaters

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Hamid “Hamid” Chebli rated on Google

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Moha El Houari rated on Google

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Kévin EGK rated on Google

Restaurant à volonté offrant un.large choix de produits repas dessert entrées de bonnes qualités personnels qui devient de plus en plus souriant dommage que les biissons ne sont.pas.a volontés même l eau quoi pour 2e de plus comme.font certains autres restaurants (Translated by Google) All-you-can-eat restaurant offering a large choice of products, meals, dessert, good quality personal starters, which becomes more and more smiling, too bad the biissons are not.

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Romuald Deauteur rated on Google

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jessica pinto rated on Google

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Federico Carrozzo rated on Google

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Nadia Bara rated on Google

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Stéphane Stoeckel rated on Google

Bien bon restaurant beaucoup de choix sympa bien acceuilli (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant many nice choices well welcomed

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dominique caraes rated on Google

J ai adoré et c est la 1er fois que je venais à ce restaurant (Translated by Google) I loved it and it's the 1st time I came to this restaurant

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Elodie Delory rated on Google

Très grand restaurant avec un large choix de produits, propre, personnel sympa et agréable. Tout y est très bon, de l'entrée au dessert en passant par le wok, et à volonté en plus 😊 (Translated by Google) Very large restaurant with a wide choice of products, clean, friendly and pleasant staff. Everything is very good, from the starter to the dessert through the wok, and at will 😊

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SuiPaKune MaMaN rated on Google

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Tudor Dimitriu rated on Google

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Chanel Laika rated on Google

Bien tranquille (Translated by Google) Quiet

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Abdelaziz FERKANE rated on Google

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Marie-Antoinette Zaire rated on Google

Le personnel très sympa et surtout propre lieu agréable grillade super et divers .recommandé +++ (Translated by Google) The very friendly staff and above all clean pleasant place super and diverse grill. recommended +++

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Bon Plans de Lyli rated on Google

Supers bon et beaucoup de choix. Mais surtout se qui est bien sais que tout est halal donc accessibles a tout le monde. Même les personnes à mobilité réduite il y a de la place. (Translated by Google) Very good and lots of choices. But above all, it is well known that everything is halal and therefore accessible to everyone. Even people with reduced mobility there is room.

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Jada Banano rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Nice environment, with hallal products, menus with fixed prices and buffet. Eat as much as you like. (Original) Bell' ambiente, con prodotti hallal, menu' con prezzi fissi ed a buffet. Mangi quanto vuoi.

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Fadhila Fessia rated on Google

Je n’est jamais étais déçu, un large choix pour tous les goûts. La salle est spacieuse pour venir manger en famille, très bonne ambiance (Translated by Google) I was never disappointed, a wide choice for all tastes. The room is spacious to come and eat with family, very good atmosphere

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K A rated on Google

Excellent dîner en famille. Beaucoup de choix plein a craqué. (Translated by Google) Great family dinner. Lots of choices full to bursting.

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Laura Ilijanic rated on Google

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Lokri sappo rated on Google

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Laurent Simon rated on Google

Pas mauvais... Pas génial... Un bon resto de banlieue pas trop cher... (Translated by Google) Not bad... Not great... A good suburban restaurant not too expensive...

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Angéla Félix rated on Google

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Rigueur Marilaine rated on Google

Ambiance familliale et detendue. Il y a vraiment beaucoup de choix et des plats pour tous les goûts. Ce n'est pas de la haute gastronomie mais je suis tres satisfaite. Les serveurs et le videur sont sympathiques. (Translated by Google) Family and relaxed atmosphere. There really is a lot of choice and dishes for all tastes. It's not haute cuisine but I'm very satisfied. Waiters and bouncer are friendly.

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Tatiana Gomez rated on Google

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Vincent Delfino rated on Google

Excellent et prix abordable (Translated by Google) Excellent and affordable price

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Zo rated on Google

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Baovola Rakotobe rated on Google

C'est copieux et délicieux (Translated by Google) It's rich and delicious

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Joelle Carrey rated on Google

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Hélène Vincent rated on Google

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Maïka MAGONA rated on Google

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Hamed Hassaine rated on Google

Tro bien (Translated by Google) Too good

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Sanco Preira rated on Google

Beaucoup de diversité aux niveaux des plats,du goût et un service rapide au wok (Translated by Google) Lots of diversity in terms of dishes, taste and fast wok service

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Pan Henryk rated on Google

(Translated by Google) You can eat until you're full (Original) Można najeść aż do syta

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amélie Walpole rated on Google

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Chachoou chls rated on Google

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Rida M rated on Google

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Polo Lark rated on Google

Bon produit et frais avec pas mal de choix. Beaucoup de monde le soir (Translated by Google) Good product and fresh with a lot of choice. Lots of people at night

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Kev C.e rated on Google

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Thomas Fauchard rated on Google

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betti sylvain rated on Google

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Reinette Kwedi rated on Google

Jamais déçue sauf cette fois où la viande des bœufs au fromage avaient tourné. Être super vigilant. C'est dommage (Translated by Google) Never disappointed except this time when the meat of the cheese beef had turned. Be super vigilant. That's a shame

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Luciana Garcez rated on Google

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Eds The Preds rated on Google

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Emad Kh rated on Google

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Philippe Moklin rated on Google

Plats bons et goûteux. (Translated by Google) Good and tasty dishes.

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Imad-Eddine Chabane rated on Google

Wok de très bonne qualitée , très varier et en plus halal je reviendrait ☺👌 (Translated by Google) Very good quality wok, very varied and moreover halal I would come back ☺👌

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Dominique DUPONT rated on Google

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Thierry Dacheux rated on Google

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Rafik Djadi rated on Google

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Kad Guern rated on Google

Super ! À la hauteur de ce que l'on attend. Viande halal disponible. A recommander ! (Translated by Google) Great ! Exceeds what is expected. Halal meat available. To recommend !

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Pp Pp rated on Google

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n'dongo adama rated on Google

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Allan Ben yahya rated on Google

(Translated by Google) super rest (Original) Super resto

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Karim Bourache rated on Google

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petit chamallow rated on Google

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Losseny Bamba rated on Google

Très sympa pour sortie en famille (Translated by Google) Very nice for family outing

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teo lol rated on Google

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hedi zine rated on Google

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Ocrain Tatiana rated on Google

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Chicken Ninja rated on Google

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Jean Luc Besse rated on Google

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Aghasi Movsisyan rated on Google

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Fouley Drame rated on Google

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fouad bassou rated on Google

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Adel Young rated on Google


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Namara rated on Google

Super si tu veux fêter l'anniversaire d'un pote ! (Translated by Google) Great if you want to celebrate a friend's birthday!

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jiji Mélissa rated on Google

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Bernard Colin rated on Google

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Ashley C rated on Google

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Piotr Piwowar rated on Google

(Translated by Google) A rich selection of dishes. Great food! (Original) Bogaty wybór dań. Super jedzonko!

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Valerie Lefranc rated on Google

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omar lazib rated on Google

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abderraouf zridet rated on Google

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issa dia niang rated on Google

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Stéphanie Valet rated on Google

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Manoj Lakha rated on Google

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game royale rated on Google

C'est propre et il y a du choix (Translated by Google) It's clean and there is a choice

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Sasa rated on Google

Review author photo Stephanie rated on Google

Génial plein de choix et bon👍 (Translated by Google) Awesome full of choice and good👍

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Arlette Carrey rated on Google

Beaucoup de diversité et personnel aimable (Translated by Google) Lots of diversity and friendly staff

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Islam Essam rated on Google

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Alexandr CARAULAN rated on Google

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benoidu91 rated on Google

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Yaya Toubbiab rated on Google

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Amadou Cheick Oumar Tall rated on Google

J'ai bien aimé! il y avait un large choix et la qualité est vraiment acceptable! De surcroît pour les musulmans, ils sont certifiés HALAL! (Translated by Google) I liked! there was a wide choice and the quality is really acceptable! In addition for Muslims, they are HALAL certified!

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Samuel Harvoire rated on Google

Probablement l'un des meilleurs chinois a volonté que je connaisse. Avec un immense restaurant très propre et très bien agencé, la quantité de choix de nourriture ou de viande pour la grillade et le wok, ainsi que du poisson et des fruits de mer etc. Excellent restaurant, un des meilleurs wok que je connaisse ! (Translated by Google) Probably one of the best all-you-can-eat Chinese I've ever had. With a huge restaurant very clean and very well laid out, the amount of choice of food or meat for grilling and wok, as well as fish and seafood etc. Excellent restaurant, one of the best wok I know!

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Oumar diabaté rated on Google

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Birolini Anthony rated on Google

Grand choix et qualité au rdv !!! Patron et personnel aimables. (Translated by Google) Great choice and quality at the appointment!!! Friendly owner and staff.

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Murat Ozturk rated on Google

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Mylene Lefebvre rated on Google

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Linsay Dorvilma rated on Google

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Fanta DIABY rated on Google

Employées accueillants , je recommande beaucoup rien a dire ! (Translated by Google) Friendly employees, I highly recommend nothing to say!

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BERTHURE B rated on Google

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Yann rated on Google

Pas de surprise service buffet a volonté tout le monde trouve c' est plat qui lui plait (Translated by Google) No surprise all-you-can-eat buffet service, everyone finds the dish they like

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Jean Charles Goudet rated on Google

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Sonia B rated on Google


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manuella JEREMIE rated on Google

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Sofiane Bouzman rated on Google

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Samira Fredj rated on Google

Au top 👌 (Translated by Google) On top 👌

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Ludivine Xisto rated on Google

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Catarina Rodrigues rated on Google

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Stivy MALFLEURY rated on Google

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Whitney Halima rated on Google

Grand restaurant. Propre. Personnel très réactif.Beaucoup de débit. C est bon et pas cher (Translated by Google) Great restaurant. Own. Very responsive staff. Lots of flow. It's good and cheap

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Anissa Anissa rated on Google

Au top (Translated by Google) In the top

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Carlos Alberto rated on Google

(Translated by Google) great service (Original) Ótimo serviço

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Tatif Bennabi rated on Google

Bon restaurant (Translated by Google) Good restaurant

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Armand Loe rated on Google

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soufian boulouban rated on Google

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Jean-Marie ZNAMIEC rated on Google

Une ambiance et un décor sans surprise puisque nous fréquentons souvent ce restaurant (Translated by Google) An atmosphere and decor without surprise since we often frequent this restaurant

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Fulbert Paint rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix,bon rapport qualité prix seul bémol la salle est immense donc beaucoup trop bruyante! (Translated by Google) Lots of choice, good value for money only downside the room is huge so much too noisy!

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سوسو سوسو rated on Google

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Raidebule rated on Google

Juste ex-ce-llent. (Translated by Google) Just ex-ce-llent.

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sto rated on Google

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danyfaya91 rated on Google

Du choix que ça soit en entrée plat ou dessert ,et qualité (Translated by Google) The choice whether it's a starter, main course or dessert, and quality

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Barros Tavares Filomena rated on Google

Bien aimé (Translated by Google) Beloved

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Nathalie Rodrigues rated on Google

L avantage de manger à volonté copieux et diversifié (Translated by Google) The advantage of eating hearty and diversified meals

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Alex Mobile rated on Google

Grande variété de produit frais, il y en a pour tout les goûts, que ça soit asiatique (chinois, thaï, japonais etc...) ou Occident (grillade de steak, frite, rosti etc...); un personnel très réactif et aimable. Espace très grand et aéré (on ne se marche pas dessus); très bien entretenu (propreté); avec espace dédié: espace de jeu pour enfants et une salle fumeur. (Translated by Google) Wide variety of fresh produce, there is something for everyone, whether Asian (Chinese, Thai, Japanese etc...) or Western (grilled steak, fries, rosti etc...); very responsive and friendly staff. Very large and airy space (we do not step on it); very well maintained (cleanliness); with dedicated space: play area for children and a smoking room.

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Kaladz gaming rated on Google

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C Anaf rated on Google

Très bon endroit (Translated by Google) Very good place

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Kwaishang Kaine rated on Google

Bon restaurant de type buffet a volonté situé a côté du Bricorama ( se garer est facile ) de Viry. La salle est immense ( facilement 200 couverts ), j'ai eu la chance d'y aller quand c'était calme ( midi un jour férié ). Il faut vraiment aller au stand wok pour profiter réellement de son repas : choisir ses nouilles , légumes et crevettes fraiches / poulpe etc.. Le reste est bon ( sushis et maki corrects ) mais pas autant que ce qui est cuit devant soit. Je n'ai pas testé le stand grill mais ça avait l'air bon aussi. Fontaine a chocolat / fruits frais, chouquettes a la crème il y a beaucoup de choix pour les desserts. Par contre évitez de prendre les cocktails "maison", ils ne valent pas leur prix ( entre 5 et 6 euros ) car faits avec des jus de fruit très chimiques ( j'ai malheureusement testé ). C'est un endroit pour les gros appétits pas pour goûter des cocktails. (Translated by Google) Good all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant located next to the Bricorama (parking is easy) in Viry. The room is huge (easily 200 covers), I was lucky enough to go there when it was quiet (noon on a public holiday). You really have to go to the wok stand to really enjoy your meal: choose your noodles, vegetables and fresh shrimp / octopus etc.. The rest is good (sushi and maki correct) but not as much as what is cooked in front either. Didn't test the grill stand but it looked good too. Chocolate fountain / fresh fruit, cream chouquettes there are many choices for desserts. On the other hand avoid taking the "house" cocktails, they are not worth their price (between 5 and 6 euros) because they are made with very chemical fruit juices (I unfortunately tested). This is a place for big appetites not for tasting cocktails.

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Radu Iulius rated on Google


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Nabil HAMMADA rated on Google

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Sailor Moon rated on Google

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Rachton L'artiste rated on Google

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Zmau Veaceslav rated on Google

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Géraldine Gomez rated on Google

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Cyril Simon rated on Google

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Mooss moosisi rated on Google

En mange bien (Translated by Google) Eat it well

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Rachid “R.R” rated on Google

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ENZO SOYOWORLD rated on Google

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Samy Belhora rated on Google

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Gaelle Vidal rated on Google

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Elodie C rated on Google

Très bonne adresse de nourriture asiatique (mais pas que) de qualité et en quantité. Beaucoup de choix (sushis, huîtres, hamburger, wok, poulet aux champignons, raviolis aux crevettes...) et le goût est au rendez vous. Je reviendrai avec grand plaisir, bon rapport qualité prix ! (Translated by Google) Very good address for Asian food (but not only) of quality and quantity. Lots of choices (sushi, oysters, hamburger, wok, chicken with mushrooms, shrimp ravioli...) and the taste is there. I will come back with great pleasure, good value for money!

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Saoussane Bernoussi rated on Google

Trop bon (Translated by Google) Too good

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florian quissolle rated on Google

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Geraldine Jarry rated on Google

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Jack Leblanc rated on Google

Très sympathique et bon accueil ! (Translated by Google) Very friendly and welcoming!

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Lila بحر rated on Google

Ya la propreté le choix et très grand (Translated by Google) There is a choice of cleanliness and very large

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Val oche rated on Google

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Tafy B rated on Google

Très bon restaurant qui propose des produits frais et variés pour tout les goûts. Mention spéciale au Wok (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant that offers fresh and varied products for all tastes. Special mention to the Wok

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Elra 350 rated on Google

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Boris Chang rated on Google

Certains utilisateurs disent que c’est le pire restaurant asiatique. Alors comment se fait-il que le restaurant soit toujours plein le week end et qu’il jouit d’une très bonne réputation à Viry-Chatillon. C’est l’un des meilleurs Wok que je connaisse. Superbe décoration, choix incroyable, très propre, ambiance sympathique, écran géant ,personnel souriant (surtout le videur et le gérant) Vous en aurez pour votre argent. (Translated by Google) Some users say this is the worst Asian restaurant. So how is it that the restaurant is always full on weekends and that it enjoys a very good reputation in Viry-Chatillon. This is one of the best woks I know. Superb decoration, incredible choice, very clean, friendly atmosphere, giant screen, smiling staff (especially the bouncer and the manager) You will get your money's worth.

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Etienne BOSS rated on Google

Le buffet à Volonté avec variété et de qualité. Avec un Acceuil discret et Pro ! (Translated by Google) The all-you-can-eat buffet with variety and quality. With a discreet and professional welcome!

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Mec Sam rated on Google

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Luís Coimbra rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good food..friendly staff (Original) Comida muito boa..pessoal simpático

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Sophia rated on Google

Buffet avec du choix réalimenté en continue. Petit bémol avec les desserts qui sont plus que moyens. (Translated by Google) Buffet with choice replenished continuously. Small flat with the desserts which are more than average.

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Muriel B rated on Google

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Doriane Douiou rated on Google

Propre et très accueillant et in mange très bien (Translated by Google) Clean and very welcoming and eats very well

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Paquita Villarón rated on Google

(Translated by Google) It has little place to park (Original) Tiene poco sitio para aparcar

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Gladys Glad rated on Google

Il y en a vraiment pour tous les goûts x est le meilleur wok que j'ai fait en plus il y a un coin jeux pour les enfants et un endroit aéré pour fumer le kiff !! (Translated by Google) There really is something for everyone x is the best wok I've done plus there is a play area for children and an airy place to smoke kiff!!

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Nadir A-H rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix en poisson. Pas beaucoup d'informations sur la viande (halal ou pas) donc pas pris de viande (Translated by Google) Lots of fish choices. Not much information on meat (halal or not) so no meat taken

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Olivier Artock rated on Google

Bon rapport qualité prix (Translated by Google) Good value for money

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Nael TAYEBI rated on Google

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Youness Elmoden rated on Google

All was good except dessert

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Kais BEN MOUSSA rated on Google

ne mangez pas 3 jours avant dy aller c'est mieux (Translated by Google) don't eat 3 days before going it's better

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sandra dexant rated on Google

Propre et très agréable (Translated by Google) Clean and very nice

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Nadege Vinel rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix. Les produits semblent de bonne qualité et bien frais. Très fréquenté oes vendredis et samedis (Translated by Google) A lot of choices. The products seem to be of good quality and very fresh. Very busy on Fridays and Saturdays

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Anthony IDF rated on Google

Reçu rapidement. Service impeccable. Bonne qualité gustative globalement. La salle est très grande et l'ambiance est attirante. Un service de grillade est disponible au fond du restaurant. On voit la cuisine en live, c'est un plus ! (Translated by Google) Received quickly. Impeccable service. Good taste quality overall. The room is very large and the atmosphere is attractive. A grill service is available at the back of the restaurant. You can see the kitchen live, that's a plus!

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Michael Vuillemain rated on Google

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Mohammed Touzani rated on Google

Dommage pas les boissons dans le formule à volonté (Translated by Google) Too bad the drinks in the all-you-can-eat formula

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will DELASVEGAS rated on Google

Vraiment ENORME!!!!! Il y en a pour tout les goûts. Prix très correct. Qualité des produits top. Mais quel est donc ce secret pour réaliser un tel buffet? Et je ne parle même pas des desserts. (Translated by Google) Really HUGE!!!!! There's something for everyone. Very fair price. Top product quality. But what is this secret to making such a buffet? And I'm not even talking about the desserts.

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mohamed boussaa rated on Google

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Ahmet Atmaca rated on Google

dîners très savoureux personnel amical gentiment conseiller👍 (Translated by Google) very tasty dinners friendly staff kindly advise👍

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Cécilia Guidez rated on Google

Buffet super garni de différentes saveurs, agréable concept et abordables a refaire (Translated by Google) Super buffet filled with different flavors, pleasant concept and affordable to redo

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Joel Billon rated on Google


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g kosi rated on Google

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Sara Hibouch rated on Google

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Fatoumata Djiguine rated on Google

Très bon il y'a de tout. (Translated by Google) Very good there is everything.

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Paul Cristian Diodiu rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good food, very diverse at a reasonable price! (Original) Mâncare foarte bună, foarte diversificată la preț convenabil!

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MIKA RAKOM rated on Google

Cadre impeccable, repas diversifié mais petit bémol, il manque du porc (Translated by Google) Impeccable setting, diversified meal but small flat, it lacks pork

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Artemia Bioassay rated on Google

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Alassane Demba Niang rated on Google

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Y.A.A Barkat rated on Google

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Sonia Drira rated on Google

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Julien CHRETIEN rated on Google

Trop bon et trop bon concept (Translated by Google) Too good and too good concept

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Maeva Maeva rated on Google

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Gislaine Jc rated on Google

Super choix pour la famille. 😍 (Translated by Google) Great choice for the family. 😍

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christine lajouanine rated on Google

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Annabelle COHEN rated on Google

Tres bon rapport qualité/prix.endroit propre et personnel sympathique. Juste un peu bruyant quand forte affluence (Translated by Google) Very good value for money. Clean place and friendly staff. Just a bit noisy when crowded

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Moncef Ben Mahmoud rated on Google

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Lucky viraye rated on Google

Très bon !!! (Translated by Google) Very good !!!

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Frantz Brulu rated on Google

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bernard Cohen rated on Google

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Sofia n rated on Google

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Mohamed LAHLOU rated on Google

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Émilie Lucas rated on Google

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umsko_ 91 rated on Google

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Binta Diallo rated on Google


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sary kharrat rated on Google

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Hicham AZAIR rated on Google

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Lina 91 rated on Google

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Fanny Ranson rated on Google

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W-car rated on Google

Je viens du canada et je cherchais quelque chose halal, comme par hasard sur ma route je suis tomber sur eux et depuis ce temps y a que ce buffet que je fréquente, je fais une heure 2h de route pour manger la bas.. entk Excellent et les proprios 💪🏾💪 souvent souriant avec les clients 👍 (Translated by Google) I come from canada and I was looking for something halal, as by chance on my way I came across them and since that time there is only this buffet that I frequent, I drive an hour 2 hours to eat there.. entk Excellent and the owners 💪🏾💪 often smiling with customers 👍

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dauti lirija rated on Google

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cyril hegoburu rated on Google

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AMD TNS rated on Google

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Geneï Ryodan rated on Google

Super restaurant ! (Translated by Google) Great restaurant!

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Ibtissem Mcharek rated on Google

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Adam waly ادم والي Adam waly ادم والي rated on Google

J'adoooooore (Translated by Google) I love it

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dani bx rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Very large and quiet place, friendly and fast staff, the buffets are many you never know where to start, there is also the possibility of having your chosen things cooked. Place suitable for a quick meal (Original) Locale molto grande e tranquillo,personale gentile e veloce, i buffet sono molti non sai mai da dove cominciare,c'è anche la possibilità di farsi cuocere le cose scelte.Locale adatto per un pasto veloce

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paulo neves rated on Google

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Santisane rated on Google

Un peu cher pour la qualité des plats, comparé aux autres asiatiques proches (Translated by Google) A little expensive for the quality of the dishes, compared to other nearby Asians

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Loïc Brochec rated on Google

Comme mentionné dans nombres de commentaires, le lieu est très grand mais globalement bien aménagé. La nourriture est bonne sans être incroyable, le service est de bonne qualité. (Translated by Google) As mentioned in many comments, the place is very large but overall well appointed. Food is good without being amazing, service is good.

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DAVIDPANAME rated on Google

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Olivia rated on Google

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mohamed Amine rated on Google

Chère un peu pour les menus enfants (Translated by Google) Expensive for children's menus

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Eliana Buity rated on Google

Au top (Translated by Google) In the top

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Alexandra Carnier rated on Google

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Chenachena Salim rated on Google

Très très bien (Translated by Google) Very very good

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LAMBERT ROSITA rated on Google

Mon resto préféré (Translated by Google) My favorite restaurant

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Emmanuelle FOUQUET rated on Google

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Hamdaoui Kamal rated on Google

Excellente cuisine . (Translated by Google) Excellent cuisine.

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Léandre VALQUIN rated on Google

Ça reste un wok à volonté. Mais la diversité des plats est un bon point. (Translated by Google) It remains an all-you-can-eat wok. But the diversity of dishes is a good point.

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Hary RAKOTOTAHIANA rated on Google

Super (Translated by Google) Great

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Patricia ELTZE rated on Google

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Birunthan Sivasiri rated on Google

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Stellass Tsts rated on Google

Très bon et beaucoup de choix (Translated by Google) Very good and lots of choice

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M. Behilil rated on Google

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Mam Lajoie rated on Google

Le wok est très grand, propre, accueil chaleureux, je recommande (Translated by Google) The wok is very large, clean, warm welcome, I recommend

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Soraya Nanterre rated on Google

Le meilleur !! Super en tout points (Translated by Google) The best !! Great in all respects

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Mickael Bourgeois rated on Google

Un large choix dans les buffets, peut-être même le plus grand choix dans ce type de restaurants et dans la région. Une équipe souriante et disponible ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas de ces établissements. Les produits sont aussi bons que ce que l'on peut attendre d'un buffet. (Translated by Google) A wide choice in the buffets, perhaps the largest choice in this type of restaurant and in the region. A smiling and available team, which is not always the case with these establishments. The products are as good as you would expect from a buffet.

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Chantale Haccart rated on Google

EXCELLENT et beaucoup de choix (Translated by Google) EXCELLENT and lots of choices

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Tomasz Rafal rated on Google

pas mal (Translated by Google) not bad

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Tanina Boussaid rated on Google

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Virginie Metenier rated on Google

Tres bon.wok sur la national 7 !👍👍👍 (Translated by Google) Very good wok on national 7!👍👍👍

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Yvens “Vensy T-izy” Charles rated on Google

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BOUIN Christophe rated on Google

Tres bon Produits très frais (Translated by Google) Very good Very fresh products

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Ahlam hb rated on Google

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Mig Cast rated on Google

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Enes Aydogan rated on Google

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Laurent biancucci rated on Google

Un restaurant à volonté avec de bon produit (Translated by Google) An all-you-can-eat restaurant with good product

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Lyli rated on Google

I personally love this, although i can understand why some may not... the variety is huge and pretty tasty. Too bad they removed free unlimited drinks!

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Valentin Godet rated on Google

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Heloise Riem rated on Google

Trop de monde mais correct (Translated by Google) Too crowded but ok

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Pierre Laurent rated on Google

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Ben priolet rated on Google

Une cantine taille xxl a volonté, c'est bon mais sans plus (Translated by Google) A canteen size XXL at will, it's good but nothing more

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Alexandre Heslot rated on Google

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Patricia Adam rated on Google

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Abdallah Absy rated on Google

Bon (Translated by Google) Good

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Kahina Crepas rated on Google

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Gatwoso Rolando rated on Google

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louis smith rated on Google

Super!!!!! Du choix et de la qualité. Je recommande (Translated by Google) Great!!!!! Choice and quality. I recommend

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Papa Deme rated on Google

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Sally Alhallak rated on Google

Magnifique (Translated by Google) Gorgeous

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Alinjnjbkkn. ukkbn Rebbouh rated on Google

Très bon (Translated by Google) Very good

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hassen tarik idrici rated on Google

C'est vraiment magnifique , tres a l'aise et amusant, ça déstress en plus .. (Translated by Google) It's really beautiful, very comfortable and fun, it also de-stresses..

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Sanae Lecot rated on Google

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Dongni Lai rated on Google

(Translated by Google) Good quality and cheap, you can get back your money if you eat whatever you want, and the environment is good (Original) 物美价廉,随便吃吃都能回本儿,环境也好

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Sahidey Henri BAKAYOKO rated on Google

J'ai apprécié, plusieurs choix et personnel accueillant. (Translated by Google) I appreciated, several choices and welcoming staff.

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Dins Dins rated on Google

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elissa Elissa rated on Google

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anais rated on Google

C est toujours un plaisir de venir manger dans ce restaurant avec des amies ou mes enfants. La qualitée des produits est présente. L'accueil toujours au rendez-vous avec le sourire❤ (Translated by Google) It is always a pleasure to come and eat in this restaurant with friends or my children. The quality of the products is there. The welcome always there with a smile ❤

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Jessica Marrades rated on Google

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gilbert Lui-même rated on Google

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Javi Espasa rated on Google

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Carine rated on Google

Super wok grill avec des crustacés frais , super je vous les conseille vivement . (Translated by Google) Super wok grill with fresh shellfish, great I highly recommend them.

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S “Shoshana” D rated on Google

Franchement ce restaurant se démarque de tous les autres du même style. Fraîcheur et qualité des produits VARIÉTÉS et CHOIX à gogo. Le plus : Les fruits de mer à volonté, c'est vraiment exquis. Le moins: dommage que les sauces accompagnant Les hors d'œuvres et fruits de mer ne soient pas plus raffinées. (sauces basiques pour rester polie). A part ça c'est vraiment le top. Le service est de qualité. Vraiment je recommande. RAPPORT QUALITÉ PRIX DÉFIANT TOUTE CONCURRENCE. (Translated by Google) Frankly this restaurant stands out from all the others of the same style. Freshness and product quality VARIETIES and CHOICE galore. The plus: All-you-can-eat seafood, it's really exquisite. The least: a pity that the sauces accompanying the appetizers and seafood are not more refined. (basic sauces to stay polite). Other than that it's really the best. The service is of high quality. Really I recommend. COMPETITIVE QUALITY-PRICE RATIO.

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Marie-Ange GROBRI rated on Google

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Ghassen Ammar rated on Google

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Katia Katy rated on Google

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Sahra Sari rated on Google

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Célia Mgc rated on Google

Très bon et propre (Translated by Google) Very good and clean

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Sabrina rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix un des buffets les plus garnies que j'ai vu (Translated by Google) Lots of choice one of the most extensive buffets I've seen

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Nabila Kiss rated on Google

Top pour moi et ma famille (Translated by Google) Best for me and my family

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Essam Nour Amis rated on Google

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kamelia lebkiri rated on Google

J'adore (Translated by Google) I adore

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Anouar Moumen rated on Google

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Cristina G Domingos rated on Google

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Sylvain LaBalle rated on Google

Très bonne accueil. Grand, beaucoup de choix, mais très bruyants et qualités moyenne. (Translated by Google) Very good reception. Big, lots of choice, but very noisy and average quality.

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Marie Claude Guinebert rated on Google

Beaucoup de choix ,bon,propre (Translated by Google) Lots of choices, good, clean

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Morgane Lambel rated on Google

Nous prenons toujours à emporter. Ceux qui nous permet de manger pour un prix raisonnable à 4. Sinon, c'est du buffet. Nourriture correct. (Translated by Google) We always take out. Those that allow us to eat for a reasonable price at 4. Otherwise, it's from the buffet. Decent food.

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mouloud feddi rated on Google

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Jonathan Mingo rated on Google

J'ai bien manger beaucoup de choix rien à dire le restaurant est victime de son succès du coup le buffet est un peut serré compté 20e le buffet sans boisson (Translated by Google) I ate well a lot of choice nothing to say the restaurant is a victim of its success suddenly the buffet is a bit tight counted 20th the buffet without drink

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Mademoiselle W rated on Google

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Mickaël Gremy rated on Google

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Jérémie Kabuela rated on Google

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Sabine Abrougui rated on Google

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jena bernard Banag rated on Google

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Sylvie Toussaint rated on Google

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Saif Ben rated on Google

Un des meilleurs buffet a volonté. Beaucoup de choix et de diversité et tout est hallal (Translated by Google) One of the best all-you-can-eat buffets. Lots of choice and diversity and everything is halal

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Jonathan Rouquairol rated on Google

Dla bombe balle bb (Translated by Google) Dla bomb ball bb

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Christophe Viard rated on Google

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Valentin PERAL rated on Google

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Fatou 6c rated on Google

Trop bien (Translated by Google) Very good

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Abdelouahid Salah rated on Google

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SIGSAW rated on Google

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Evy Lopes Borges T rated on Google

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Cyazid Chekini rated on Google

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Gaetan Leclerc rated on Google

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Guillaume Zisa rated on Google

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Kev Bart rated on Google

Eau du robinet (Translated by Google) Tap water

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Megane Marcault rated on Google

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Abdoul Kader MAHAMAN ZENE rated on Google